Good Communicators Create Successful Companies

It's always interesting to study the internal and external communication policies and procedures of small and medium size businesses. Companies that cultivate open and honest communications with employees and customers inevitably are highly successful in their marketplace.

Many entrepreneurs lack the requisite skills necessary to communicate clearly with their staff and customers. Once an entrepreneur has grown his company to the size that a clearly defined organization is necessary to support the company functions, it becomes mandatory that a professional manager with the essential communication and management skills be hired.

Companies that clearly communicate the company's goals, from the top down, always stand out from their competition. However, open communication needs to be a two way street since the input of the employees on the front lines will convey opportunities to improve and grow the company.

Additionally, employees who feel that their input is actually listened to and acted upon by upper management will be less apt to become dissatisfied with their job. Since employee retention is problematic in most industries, the successful company will be open to employees' suggestions and complaints.

Companies that practice this type of open communication normally foster close relationships with their customers too. Customers want to know the facts regarding their transaction and honest and open communication is the key.

A regular schedule of employee meetings is a key component as a company grows and helps to foster honest communication from both management and employees. These meetings are an opportunity to gain feedback that employees hear on a daily basis, both from customers and other employees.

Meet with your key staff members weekly and, as your company grows, a monthly meeting with all employees helps foster the open and honest communications that successful companies know will grow their business.

© 2003 ODEC

About the Author

Mike Burstein has been helping the SOHO and Small Business community grow & prosper for over 20 years by solving start up problems, creating best practices, automating their offices, getting free publicity and dramatically increasing traffic and sales.

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