Good Morning, Costa Rica or Originality Counts

Originality counts and you'll be counting your sales figures when
you implement your original ideas in your product line, marketing
and sales materials.

Take a look at many of the headlines and advertisements that you
come across on the Web and in newspapers and other media.

Same old, same old. Most barely make an impression on your

On the other hand, who will ever forget the Energizer Bunny? That
rabbit is one original little hopper. Bunny, of course, was the product
of a highly creative advertising team. The rest of us will have to
struggle a little harder to find original ideas for our small businesses.

Originality counts, but being original isn't always easy.

Here's the thing. Most people within an identified culture or ethnic
group are hot-wired to come up with very similar responses when
presented with a word, concept or product.

But strangely, we all tend to think our response is unique and special
and that no one has previously thought of it.

I've noticed this for a long time at least for as long as my name
has been June, which is to say, all of my life. Ever since I can
remember, on being introduced, people are prone to announce
gleefully, "JUNE BUG!"

I don't mind being called June Bug. There are worse names. But I do
marvel at how each and every person who says this believes that I
am hearing this wonderfully witty remark for the first time. Yeah,
the first time this morning, maybe.

You'd think I'd know better than to fall into the trap of "same old,
same old" thinking myself, given that I've been complaining about it
since childhood. But no.

A few years ago, I attended a 10-month multimedia course. One of
our assignments was to write the story line for a Costa Rican travel
video. We were told that film star Robin Williams would be
providing the voice-over in our imaginary film.

I gave the matter a couple of minutes thought, and suddenly I had
my brainwave. The video would open like this:

The suns rises over a gorgeous, tropical beach. Robin
Williams'voice rings out:

"Good Morrrrnnnnnning, Costa Rica!"

(Those who don't catch the connection, run to the video store and
rent Williams' award winning film, Good Morning Vietnam).

Afterwards, I learned to my embarrassment that approximately half
of my classmates had used the identical opening. And worse,
students in previous classes had also come up with this opening
scene for the same assignment. The instructor was very sick of Good Morning, Costa Rica.

The lesson is clear. If an idea, headline, name, joke or other response
leaps into our mind quickly, we're not alone. It's a given that
numerous others have had the same immediate response and each
and every one considered it unique. If the idea was obvious to you,
guaranteed it was obvious to many others as well.

The truly original response is likely to be one that pops into our mind
later after we've slept on it, or while we are daydreaming about
something else completely.

And why is originality so important? If you are in business, it means
you'll come up with a different product, a different service, a
different advertising headline than the one used by your competitors.

If you're in a creative field, it means you'll be remembered and
known for your original work.

If Margaret Mitchell had named her novel "A Civil War Romance,"
the book would have been a good read. But would it have had the
impact of Gone With the Wind?

About the Author

June Campbell
How to Write Business Plans, Business Proposals, JV Contracts, More!
No-cost ebook "Beginners Guide to Ecommerce".
Business Writing by Nightcats Multimedia Productions