H-Commerce For Hispanic Women

SAN JUAN, PUERTO RICO: Hispanic Business Womens
Alliance has launched the first hispanic - commerce website
(http://www.hbwa.net) created to help Hispanic women entrepreneurs,
professionals, corporate executives, inventors, and investors do
business and collaborate among themselves.

Lourdes Aponte-Rosario, President and Founder of the Hispanic Business
Womens Alliance (HBWA) stated, "Hispanic women with Internet access,
will now have the unique opportunity to identify, directly contact,
share information on business opportunities and resources, and do
business with other Hispanic women in 98 market areas (in North
America, Latin America, the Caribbean and Spain) and in over 100
business categories."

Hispanic women with an entrepreneurial spirit are invited to visit
http://www.hbwa.net for information on, how to join and benefit from,
this rapidly growing, international on-line community.

About the Author

Independent Homebase Researcher & Writer
