Harness The Power of a Strong Vision

What is your vision? How is this vision communicated to
inspire you and your organisation? You don't have a clear
and powerful vision? Join the club. When I'm working
with individuals, I've noticed that generally they fall
into two distinct categories regarding having a strong
vision. Either they've never really had the opportunity
to understand the concept of having or defining their
vision. Or they have a vision statement because they
think they 'should'. Remember, 'shoulds' represent
other people's expectations and therefore not things to
which you a personally committed.

The one thing I've noticed in my work is that very few
individuals or organisations really harness the power
generated by a strong vision. Clear definition of your
vision acts as a magnet to pull you forward in the
direction you truly want to take. Your vision provides
inspiration for you and, if communicated well to your
team or organisation, inspires them too.

What do you refer to when you want to make decisions, when
you have to decide which opportunities to say 'yes' or
'no' to, or which direction to go with your business?
When you have a strong vision in place and refer to it
regularly, it helps to resolve the conflict which can occur
within you.

Teams or organisations who have a powerful vision, inspire
individuals to pull together. It's so much easier for
everyone when they all know clearly where they're heading.

Many organisations publish mission statements but often,
these hold no real meaning for the individuals within the
organisation. A strong vision and a clear mission
statement go together like 'bread and butter'. The
components of a mission statement stem from having a clear
vision to start the process. Individuals and organisations
can define their mission and purpose with more meaning and
clarity if they are provided with a powerful vision. A
strong vision challenges people to achieve more and
encourages them to think 'out of the box'. It inspires you
and the people you work with.

Your vision is unique to you and will vary from individual
to individual. It propels you forward naturally, rather
than relying on motivation alone, which doesn't usually last.
A vision helps to keep you on track and focused on where
you're heading. What I want for you is a vision which grabs
you so strongly that it stretches you way beyond your current
position. I've found that with a strong vision there isn't
the need to strive so hard and the energy required doesn't
drain you so much. It allows you to focus on your
achievements in the present because a vision doesn't have an
end which you reach, like a goal. The energy generated by a
vision is much healthier and requires less of a struggle.
A vision draws on your natural energy which comes from within
you because this is where your vision sits. When aligned
with your values, a vision and a mission statement feel truly
yours and right for you. In short, a perfect fit.

If you have a vision for your organisation, I encourage you
to consider this. If 3 of your top employees were asked to
share your vision, would they be able to? If not, what would
it take to communicate this throughout the organisation?
What benefits do you see for your employees in clearly
understanding your vision?

Many times, people say "I wish", but unfortunately wishing
alone rarely makes things happen. However, a strong vision
can really accomplish a great deal, and often more than you'd
dared to dream of.

What I want is for you to define a strong vision and a mission
statement. Are you ready to do this?

About the Author

Wendy Hearn
Personal and Professional Coach
She works with business owners, professionals, executives and
managers who are ready to enrich their lives... finding more
success, fun, balance, joy and time. She coaches one-to-one
with individuals and groups by telephone and email.