Have You Got Your Uniform On

Whatever your job is, and whether you’re aware of it or not, I bet you have a “uniform.” There’s something that – when you put it on – you’re ready to go.

I was reminded of this by FlyLady who always writes, “Where are your shoes?” She helps women at home organize their lives, and sends daily (and more) reminders. She’s an advocate for getting up in the morning and putting on a pair of lace-up shoes.

For me, it’s putting on my headset. I’m a coach and do most of my work at the computer and on the phone. When I sit down at the computer and put on the headset, my whole mindset changes. I settle in. I focus. I’m ready to go.

It’s like putting the blinders on the horse. In fact, go here: http://www.arcaros.com/images/4125.jpg to see the full apparatus for horse getting ready to be worked.

The blinders serve to keep the horse looking ahead, and to avoid distractions from peripheral vision.

That’s not a bad analogy for settling in to get some serious work done. You need to focus your vision, and focus your mind on the task ahead.

It can be especially hard if you’re self-employed or work at home to create the right atmosphere. Getting up in the morning and putting on your “uniform” works like Pavlov’s dog, you know, “conditioning.” If you will do this for 30 days, you will see some great results. Get up in the morning, make your bed, then shower and put on your uniform and go to work. Pretty soon it will all become habit, and all be connected together – put on uniform time to go to work.

That's especially important when "going to work" means walking into the next room!

We’re forming new connections in our brains all the time. Part of what we do in Emotional Intelligence is take a look at some of the connections and change them so your life works better. Setting up a strong connection between putting on your uniform and going to work helps with Intentionality and Focus. It’s your message to yourself that you mean business.

Chances are you are doing this already. For instance, when I’m ready to bake, I put on an apron I’ve had for years. It brings back all sorts of memories, and I can almost feel my body change as it orients itself to kneading dough, beating eggs, crimping pie shells, and squeezing pastry tubes. My goes somewhere “else” that’s very familiar, and I settle in to cooking, which to me is “flow.” Taking off the apron is the end of the task, as I admire the pie I’ve just made, or the croissants. I switch gears and begin to think about the next tasl.

I immediately start thinking of what I’ll do next, what client I need to call, or what errands needs running.

Become mindful of your different “uniforms” and use them to build good habits for more success and happiness.

About the Author

©Susan Dunn, MA, The EQ Coach™, http://www.susandunn.cc. Coaching, distance learning courses and eBooks around Emotional Intelligence for career, relationships, transitions, retirement, resilience, and personal and professional development. Mailto:sdunn@susandunn.cc for FREE eZine.