What should you be aware of when using an external (third party) headhunter?
Working with headhunters can be a tricky issue. Just like any other business, there are headhunters who are genuinely concerned about their candidates and have their clients’ best interest at heart, while others who are out to make a fortune out of unsuspecting clients by doing sub-standard work.
This, however, should not deter you in using a headhunter in fulfilling your staffing needs. After all, sourcing for the best candidates for their clients’ vacancies is what they do for a living – they have expertise and network that you may not have. In dealing with headhunters, all you need to have in mind are some ground rules:
-Write it down. Make sure everything is recorded on paper – fee structure, guarantees, terms of payment etc. Refuse any resume sent to you if the headhunter did not provide you with such a service agreement
-Not all candidates hired are good. Protect yourself from bad hire with guarantees from your headhunter – a 3-month period is the norm
-Avoid paying fee based on a percentage of total compensation. Accept only fees quoted based on basic salary. You won’t want to pay headhunting fee on bonuses, allowances and the likes
-Always enquire about the headhunter’s candidate screening process. Do they meet their top candidates? Phone interviews?
-Headhunters work based on either a retainer fee (you pay up front, and as you go along) or a contingency fee (you pay only when they find someone). Get this agreement ironed out before the start of a search process
-Do not accept resumes from headhunters you have no agreement with. That is unsolicited mail. Return it to the sender if you ever receive one.
There are a lot of headhunters out there. Chose wisely. Look for one that serve your niche market, have good reputation and is professional in their dealings. A good headhunter will really hunt the best for you.
About the Author
Razlan is a proud team member of EnergySkills, a professional engineering recruitment firm specializing in oil & gas industry for the Asia Pacific region. Visit their website at http://www.energyskills.com.sg for exciting job opportunities, excellent career resources and up-to-date industry news!