Here's How To Get The Most From People You Work With!

The best employers not only have a clear vision of their company
mission, but they seem to have clear vision right into the human
spirit. They know that even the toughest exteriors
shelter tender hearts. Hearts that swell when appreciated, hearts
that pump warmer blood following a genuine compliment.

For years we've heard young people need lots of praise and
recognition. On my refrigerator I have a magnet with 100 ways to
praise your child. You're the best! Wow, you're a star today!
Super job! I'm proud of you!

But what about adults and even seniors? My mom at 69 still works
all day, not only for the paycheck, but because of the way it
makes her feel to make a unique contribution to a small thriving
business. An experienced secretary but new to technology, the
first months were hard. Many Saturday mornings were spent back in
the office practicing word processing. Could she do it? Frequent
thanks from a good-hearted boss, plus a solid raise, lunches out,
and occasional flowers, gave her the answer.

How about when you've been good at something for so long you're
about as attractive as the stained office coffee pot? My husband,
an award-winning investigative reporter, works especially hard on
the all-important stories that run during the TV ratings periods,
or "sweeps". "The general manager told me my story was great," he
told me a few days ago. "But my witch of a news manager didn't,
of course."

A little harsh? Yes. But it is so easy to find SOMETHING good to
say to a hardworking employee whose individual talents are like
no one else's in the world. Search your heart.

You can almost feel what your compliment does to their heart.

About the Author

Lisa Lake just introduced her super fast, cheap way to get
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work for you. All you do is sit back and watch the results
come in. See Reach Lisa at or 801-828-9006.