You can find cheap mp3 players all over the web. You can get models that were discarded by people who no longer need them, but you can also get newer models that were designed specifically for people looking to spend less than $400 on an mp3 player. The big factors that go into selecting cheap mp3 players are space, design and of course price.
When you are looking for cheap mp3 players all of the important factors usually come down to one issue, space. The less space you need for your music, the less you will have to pay for your player. The type of space that you need is also important. MP3 players that use the durable, but smaller flash memory system are usually cheaper than their hard drive counterparts with enormous amounts of space such as 5gigs, 10gigs and even 40gigs.
So, if you look for a 1Gig or even 5Gig model, for example, you could load up around fifteen to twenty complete music albums to your player. That will give you anywhere from seventeen to twenty three hours of music.
So, unless you really need to convert a large music catalog where you will store thousands of songs, start looking at cheap mp3 players that give you less space, but don’t skimp on the quality in their other features.
Another thing to look at is design.
What are you looking for?
How functional is your mp3 player?
Once you convert all of songs, you will need to setup and manage your playlist so that you can get easy access to your songs later on. When you look at an mp3 player, look the menu buttons and the design to see if it is intuitive and user friendly.
Is there anything that you can easily touch that could potentially wipe out your playlists?
The whole point of getting the mp3 players is convenience and portability. If you must constantly update your playlist, then the convenience factor starts dropping dramatically.
Also check out the battery life. One of the most constant complains about all the different types of mp3 players is that they have a pretty short battery life. Of course in this industry, this basically mean after six to eight hours of continuous play.
That last factor you want to consider after you have your features is price.
Since you are looking for cheap mp3 players, it is obvious that price is as concern. However, you want to try and hold off on considering how you can pay until you see what you can get. You’d be surprised to see the amount of hard drive space, for example, you can get by spending the same amount of money on different brand names.
So, as you’re looking, don’t get hung up on a particular brand, or type of mp3 player. Just look around until you find one with the features and functionality to fit your budget.
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Syd Johnson