How Will Your Business be Judged

Like it or not, people DO judge a book by its cover. It's
just a fact of life. Everything having to do with your
business that is presented to the outside world is one more
judging opportunity. How do you measure up?

You've probably heard it said, "You only have one chance to
make a good first impression". There is a reason why it is
an old adage; it's true!

There are so many ways that your business presents itself
for that first impression. The first one that comes to mind
is YOU, which can be either in person or on the phone. In
person, you must look the part that you play. For example,
if you portray yourself as someone who can help a business
be successful, you must look successful. If you own a
restaurant and you greet your guests, you should look clean,
friendly, and inviting. The owner of a restaurant greeted
us in a grease-stained T-shirt. Wrong! Not very
appetizing, is it?

On the phone, you need to sound like you care about the
caller and their problems. What kind of an impression would
it make if you (or an employee) answered the phone sounding
annoyed at the interruption?

Printed materials also make an impression, for better or
worse. Is your business card professionally done, or does
it look cheesy? Are your brochures professional looking or
are they made on a copier? If they were made on a copier,
you may get away with it if they are clean and neat, with
good toner saturation. A sloppily made copy that is too
faint, uneven, and/or crooked on the page will do you more
harm than good. I am reminded of a man who approached me at
a trade show and wanted to work together giving seminars.
He handed me his 'brochure', which consisted of about 10
pages of poorly copied pages, most of which were crooked,
and all of which were bent, crumpled, or torn. I could not
believe my eyes. I was appalled, but our parrot didn't seem
to mind when I used it to line his cage.

While we're on the subject of brochures, let me vent one of
my pet peeves: grammar, punctuation, and spelling errors.
Aaaaggghhh! Maybe it's just me, but if you want to make a
bad impression, bad punctuation is a good way to do it,
especially a misused apostrophe. For example, a local
restaurant used "tomato's" as the plural for "tomato", and
made that mistake throughout its entire menu. I can
certainly understand a typo once in a while, but geez.

You can only imagine how I reacted to this one: large,
block letters, in neon, above a pet store that read "Pet's,
Fish, and More". How many people saw that and didn't
realize that there should be no apostrophe??

I don't mean to make you paranoid. Wait a minute, yes I do!
Be very careful how you present yourself to the world.
Little things can mean a lot, whether your customers think
so or not.

Remember that you only get one chance for that first
impression. Make it a good one.

About the Author

"Make More Money and Have More Fun" with your small
business! Dave will show you how with his FREE newsletter,
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