Information Security

Another ‘Leadership Today’ free monthly E-zine brought to you by Trevor Barre – Life Coach

Issue 12/2001


This month, I would like to take the opportunity to address the need for organisations everywhere to have a good, hard look at their level, or lack of information security. Just this week, yet another worm (virus) attacked PCs around the world, causing havoc.

As a leader, it is our responsibility to set the example, and lead from out in front. Take the time this week to see where you stand individually, and corporately, with such things as:

-Up-to-date Information Security policy
-Business Continuity Plans (get top level commitment, initiate the BCM process, identify & manage all risks, develop strategies, etc)
-Current anti-virus software, and ongoing subscription
-Employee training
-Employee Internet access (a huge issue!!)
-Firewalls to prevent unauthorised access to your records
-Disposal of PCs, and deletion of data.

Please don’t wait until it’s too late. Do it now.

Live on the edge,

Trevor Barre

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About the Author

As a Life Coach based in Australia, I have a passion for seeing people achieve their destiny and have a great life.

As a businessman, I want to help other business people achieve great things, leave their mark in this world, and live life to the full.