Invest in a SURE THING

With the stock market so unpredictable these days, many
people are taking big hits.

My parents are a prime example.

They spent over 3 decades carefully budgeting their money
and putting some away each month into a retirement account.
A couple of years ago, they could have lived a very
comfortable life on the interest generated by their stock
portfolio. But this year, when my father turned 65 and was
ready to retire, the interest from their investments won't
even cover their monthly mortgage payment.

Unfortunately, there are many people in the same

But, although recently the stock market has become more
volatile, it has never been a "sure thing." Historically,
if you can leave your money in a mutual fund for 10 years,
it will gain in value. But, for short-term investing, there
has always been a high element of risk.

Take my friend, George, for example.

For several years, he made a very comfortable living
playing the stock market from home on his computer. In
fact, 3 years ago, he made over $500,000 in a few short
months! Wait...don't get envious yet. A couple of months
later, he had lost it all AND over $150,000 more. But, the
worst part is, since the loss occurred after the new year
began, the IRS expected George to pay taxes on the half
million he earned...and he couldn't report the loss until
he filed his taxes a year later!

Now, I'm not saying the stock market is bad. In fact, I
strongly believe in investing in the stock market...AFTER
you have built a generous income and have EXTRA money to

So, what can you invest in that is guaranteed to provide a
good return for your money?


That's right. Invest in YOU.

Start a home business. Invest enough capital into it to
allow it to grow. Invest enough of your own effort into it
to make it turn a profit.

Right now with company layoffs, the DOW dropping every
day, and corporations going bankrupt left and right you

The stock market is out of your control. However, building
a successful home business is in YOUR control.

And, what's more exciting is...once you pass the learning
curve on building your business, you will be able to earn
MORE, FASTER from the same money when you invest it in your
own business rather than investing it in someone else's
business through the stock market.


Because YOU have control over the growth of that money! YOU
are the boss, and YOUR efforts will determine the profit
you make from your investment.

The same $100 you would have put into a mutual fund that,
in a good economy, would provide you with an average
10-percent (or $10) return a year can provide you with a
MINIMUM of a 10-percent (or $10) return a DAY once your
business picks up momentum.

And, if you give it all you've got, you'll be investing in
a "Sure Thing."

YOU are the best investment you can make...stop living in
fear of having someone ELSE take everything away from you.
By focusing on building a home business, you can take
control over your financial future.

About the Author

Holly specializes in teaching others how to build multiple
streams of income on the internet using automation.
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