Is IT Hurting Your Organization's Performance and Competitiveness? Conduct an IT Customer Satisfaction Survey to Find Out

Poorly performing IT support services, hardware, software and networks may be costing your organization a bundle in terms of lost productivity, poor customer service, frustration, lost business and other issues negatively impacting company performance.

Chances are, the impact of IT on your employees, customers and bottom line may not be fully known. The best and most cost-effective way to assess the effectiveness of in-house and outsourced IT services is to conduct comprehensive IT customer satisfaction surveys / IT user surveys. These surveys gather information, suggestions and insight from employees across your organization about the strengths and weaknesses of IT services. When asked, employees will tell you in detail what needs to be improved and why. They will tell you how IT problems are impacting their ability to perform their jobs and to sell to and support customers.

Following are actual comments received in various IT customer satisfaction surveys / IT Help Desk surveys. The comments demonstrate the frustration and impact on productivity and job performance poorly performing IT has on employees, customers and business performance. Taking action on these IT problems can significantly boost employee and business performance. How many of the following and other IT problems are your company's employees and customers experiencing?: