Is Trust Written All Over Your Web Site

To increase buyers, prospects, newsletter signups, and affiliate click-throughs, your web site needs to create a sense of security and trust in your visitors. Most marketers have heard that, but just saying "Trust me" inside an H1 tag won't do it. Rather than tell them you can be trusted, you need to show them. Especially now, with virus threats, online identity theft, and outright fraud in the news, marketers have to subtly convey cues to their visitors that they are indeed trustworthy.

Little things can mean a lot. For example, if you publish an ezine, try to publish regularly. If you state that you publish every other Sunday, then make every effort to do that. And if on the rare occasion you'll be late, try to let your readers know that in advance. This lets them know that you are consistent and do what you say, even for your free materials.

Hopefully you offer refunds on your products, or a very good reason why you don't. Outstanding customer service, including promptly answering email, will also build a positive picture in your visitor's mind. Studies have shown that having popular credit card logos on your site help, (even if you process through a third party). Also, don't forget to have your name and contact information on your site.

If you've received any awards, special recognition, or belong to trade or consumer groups, be sure to display that information prominently on your site. This will show that you belong to a community, and that other people have recognized you.

And speaking of other people, don't forget testimonials. Whether audio or written, these are perhaps the most powerful trust-builders of all.

About the Author

John Calder is the owner/editor of The Ezine Dot Net. Subscribe Today and get real information YOU can use to help build your online business today! http://www.TheEzine.Net

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(You may reprint this article in full in your newsletter and/or web site)