IT's Impact On Business Performance

IT Customer Satisfaction Surveys / IT User Satisfaction Surveys Assess IT's Impact on Employees and Customers:

While IT customer survey findings are unique for every company, there are many similar themes, problems and opportunities identified in almost every IT survey /IT user survey, regardless of the industry or company size.

Many c-suite executives don't fully understand the impact Information Technology has on their employees, customers and bottom-line performance:

A chef can't do his/her job without knives, and sharp knives work much better than dull ones. Likewise, many employees rely heavily on technology to perform their job. Without the right technology, they can't do their job. Using technology that is underpowered with significant shortfalls makes employees inefficient and frustrated.

Information workers use computers and smart phones to communicate from their desk, from the field and when working from home. They use computers to conduct transactions, create documents, gather and analyze information, to access, use and update company databases, and perform a wide range of tasks. Employees rely heavily on both enterprise and specialized systems. For many employees, most or all of what they do requires them to use their desktop or laptop computer and a phone (often a smart phone), supported by various peripheral devices including scanners, printers, copying machines and other devices.

Companies are already spending large percentages of their annual and capital budgets on technology. Survey findings indicate some organizations need to spend even more while others need to get much more value from the money they are already spending on Info Tech.

The fastest and most cost-effective way to assess the effectiveness of Information Technology and IT's impact on an organization's employee performance, customers and company performance is to conduct IT customer satisfaction surveys / IT user satisfaction surveys.

Questions About Information Technology's Performance the C-Suite Should be Asking:

For most companies, the question should not be "can we afford to spend more on technology"? The questions should be:

1 - How is IT impacting our employees, customers and company performance?

2 - Are we getting value for the money we are spending on Information Technology?

3 - How can we get more value for our Tech Support dollars?

4 - Do we need to spend more on IT?

5 - What areas of Information Technology need improved performance?

6 - How can we make IT's performance more effective and efficient?

7 - How can Information Technology make our employees more productive, our customers more satisfied and loyal, and our company more competitive and profitable?

Illustrative Comments from IT Customer Surveys / IT User Surveys:

IT surveys provide information and insight for making significant improvements in Information Technology performance, customer satisfaction / effectiveness and business performance.

Following are comments from various IT customer satisfaction surveys / IT user satisfaction surveys that illustrate the level of frustration and the impact on employee productivity and customers. Read these comments and you will likely agree that most companies have huge opportunities to get more value from their Info Tech resources. Is your company experiencing any of these problems?: