Lessons From the Olympics for Your Business

Are you all caught up in the Olympics for the last week and a half? If
so, you aren't alone. Did you know there are lessons to be learned
for your own business, when you watch the events?

Businesses are doing great with an association to the Olympics -
and you can use the same tactics as the businesses and as the
athletes - to boost your sales.

Business branding has come a long way - the Olympics have allowed a
good avenue for companies to showcase their products. For some, the
insertion of coupons and samples into "goody bags" given to people and
the audience, people in lines, etc., will go a long way in getting new
business. There are others that have come up with cutting edge outfits
and items geared just for the Olympics, or comparable to items used by
the athletes. This has pushed their business forward. The networks
covering the Games even put a plug in for many of these new items. Now
people nationally are looking for ways to buy them. If you can offer the
same items from your site, make it a point!

As for the athletes, they have a lot to teach you in your business, as well.
The qualities they have been showing are the same ones you can use to
succeed with. Here are some:

> They train well - they absorb their sport and all the technical
aspects of it. They use everything wisely and to the fullest. They KNOW
what they are using, and what they are talking about. They can convince
anyone of the worth of their equipment and training methods. Can you
do and say the same about what you are doing in your business?

> They don't give up. They FOCUS and keep pushing forward. They
get up when they fall, and continue on. They don't lose sigh of their goals.
What about you?

ð They are loved when they are good sports. They support others,
support the competition, congratulate them, and are gracious. These are
the people that everyone LOVES. They learn from the competition, and
study their training methods and moves. As for you, be kind to your
competition, and don't knock them. Learn from them, and let them help
you learn to be wiser about your business.

ð The athletes have learned not to cheat, and many have learned that the
experience and opportunity to be at the Games is the satisfaction, and a
medal isn't everything. Find satisfaction in each victory you get, and
that as every competition cannot be won, neither can every sale. Don't
cheat - it catches up to you.

ð One great aspect of competition - the audience loves to see the athletes
smile. This warms them to the audience and gives a good feeling. People
connect with you. In your business, smile with your clients, and smile on
the phone and on emails - it shows through!

I have seen a lot of this in many years. Years ago I worked at the Olympic
Training Center in Colorado Springs, under Bob Mathias as my manager.
Talk about a great role model for kids to look up to. He showed so much
class and sportsmanship. These days, I follow my daughter on her
competitive journeys in figure skating. I see the whole gamut of competitive
behavior. But you know which kids the others gravitate toward. These are
the ones who behave as above, and have the same qualities that make the
Olympic athletes special.

I believe if the same qualities are used in business, you will see a positive
effect in your sales and following. Try it!

About the Author

P Roe is webmaster and publisher at http://opportunitiesknock.com -
where you will find tips, tricks, tools & shortcuts to successfully run
your online business. Scam monitoring, as well, with an avid group of
readers. Over 4 years of evolving Internet experience.
Email: webmaster@opportunitiesknock.com