Local Search Optimization Tips for Small Business

Essential Research Tips for Optimizing your Google Local Listings

If you're a small business owner who's looking for a better way to get more new customers, leads, & prospects, then one of the best ways is to setup a "local listings" account on Google, Yahoo, & Bing.

The local listings directories have been around for only the last couple of years, and can provide you with quick, easy, and free direct response advertising for your business.

Best of all, after you setup your accounts, you'll be able to include a direct link to your website or landing page, your direct email address, your physical address, your phone & fax numbers, and much, much more.

Before you get started, its always a good idea to setup a new & separate email address to use for these new accounts. to ensure your primary email account doesn’t get inundated with spam, etc. In addition, when you're setting up your new email account(s), try to make your new email address include some of your business' main keywords.

For example, if you owned a gym in Houston, Texas, you might try to make your email address something like "houston-health-clubs@gmail.com", etc. Although the benefits of this customization are minimal, they can be, nonetheless, beneficial to your local listings rankings.

As a side note, I highly recommend setting up a Google gmail account as your primary "secondary" email address, as it has an excellent spam filter, provides you with ample storage space, and is very quick & easy to search.

Now to get started, you'll definitely want to do some basic keyword research to find out exactly what your target customers are searching for online.

All you need to do is go to Google and search for “Google external