Lotto Secret Revealed!

It's a little known fact that statistically, in any lottery game, the balls that pop out have a remarkable relationship to the balls in previous draws. What is this relationship? The boffins at analyzed the results of various lottery games, and discovered some VERY interesting facts that seem to apply across any lotto game. Let's look at a standard '6 from 49' lotto game, such as the UK National Lottery. In this game, 6 balls are drawn from the 49 in the tumbler. And incredibly, almost HALF of the numbers drawn have already been drawn at some time in the previous six draws! Even stranger, statistically, almost 75% of the winning numbers in this week's draw have been drawn at some time in the past 11 weeks.

Has that got your attention? Can you see how this information might be useful in choosing your lotto numbers? Want to take it even further? Lotto Researchers at wanted to see just how far this relationship could be stretched and were dumbfounded to discover that it can even be take to a virtual certainty! How about this - in 90% of draws, ALL the winning numbers have been drawn at some point in the previous 17 drawings. That means that if you take ALL the numbers drawn in the last 17 games, and could somehow play them, there is a 90% chance that you will catch ALL the winning numbers in this week's draw!

To use this knowledge to play the lottery requires a little thought, and you must also have a list of the previously drawn numbers. Then what do you do? You may have a list of numbers that would require you to cover almost half of all numbers in the lotto game. So the obvious answer is - use a lottery wheel of course! There are some fine free wheels at that allow you to cover 20 numbers of more, with the minimum number of tickets. Combine one of these wheels with the numbers from the last six draws, and you should begin to see what the winning possibilities of this method are. And if you win? Drop us an email at and we will add you to the 'Hall of Fame' Lotto Winner pages!

About the Author

Ms Sheridan is a lotto wheeling expert who works for the free site that explains how YOU can win the Lottery.