Make the Most of Your Time - Focus on Strengths

Time efficiency and business effectiveness are much better served when we focus our efforts where we are strongest – when we are aligned with our values and skills. And by delegating those parts of our skill-set which less best suited, we get the best of both worlds.

Once working and focused in tune with what they do best, your people are freed up to deliver their very best performances. They encourage others to work to their strengths too. Thus, each is far more effective. By recognising this in each other, there is another benefit. Everyone realises the value that differences can bring to the team, business or organisation. And that is valued - people work together much more freely.

So, by challenging each other to be honest about what others can do better than they can, all benefit. Everyone is enabled to deliver what they do best, and by elevating them to work together, the bond grows as each values the performances where they work best.

In their excellent book, “Now Discover Your Strengths”, Marcus Buckingham and Curt Coffman explore the hugely value-creating process which many organisations have embodied in their culture, by enabling individuals to do what they do best, more of the time.

The best individuals deliver exceptional performance in about just 5-6 of the likely 8-10 competencies which their job requires. The enlightened ones realise they can’t do everything well and discover coping strategies for those areas which they need to deliver, but can’t, for one reason or another - simply they bring huge qualities to their role, but not everything. This fits for management roles from top to bottom of an organisation.

So, then, cease the struggle!

Performance Reviews stop focusing on ‘getting better’ at those skills which are not their natural ‘A’ set. More, they help them focus on what they are great at, leveraging their abilities to the organisations best value.

And, hey, guess what, by doing this, they feel better, get much more of a buzz and their performance is elevated even more. It’s like an upward spiral. When this is happening across the business, fabulous results are achieved.

There is less struggle and dread of their reviews – less time wasted and individuals valued for what they are – individuals and celebrate their unique skillsets.
So, how to cover the bits that aren’t too hot? The best discover coping strategies with supporters around them, some delegate, some hire support. In fact, they often partner up with one or a number of colleagues who can deliver well, their own ‘Achilles Heel’ skills.

Look around, many CEO’s have great support executives, who often complement their skill strengths. (Often the 'Finance Guy' who is keeping a tight rein on the creativity of the CEO - i.e. a reality check :-))
Focusing on what they do well, and getting others around them to do what they do well makes for much more effective and enjoyable working. Together with exceptional results - of course!

And it is such a release.

About the Author

© 2005 Martin Haworth is a Business and Management Coach. He works worldwide, mainly by phone, with small business owners, managers and corporate leaders. He has hundreds of hints, tips and ideas at his website, (Note to editors. Feel free to use this article, wherever you think it might be of value - with a live link if you can).