Making Money Out Of Nothing At All

"Make $10,000 In One Day, No Way!"

Are you spammed by such claims daily?
You know that's ridiculous, but then
you know that there IS money to be
made online.

If you're serious about making money
from the internet, serious about
setting up a REAL online business,
you'll discover a PROVEN system you
can follow in awhile.

Fact is, money CAN be made out
of 'nothing' on the internet. But the
truth? You do need to put in some
amount of investment, sheer work,
persistence and patience.

People who are making extra income online made it not be chance, but
effort! Fortunately, there is a proven
FORMULA you can duplicate for your own

To be fair, it is nothing secretive. In fact, it is basic to some extent.
But I hope someone had shared it with
you before...if not, you're at the
right place! If yes, perhaps it can be
a refresher?

Most money can be made online from selling products directly via your own
website, or through eBay.

For the purpose of this article, I'm going to focus on
selling info-products from your own website - and it's
almost magical the way this can spill cash into your hands.

So let's get started on the basic system you'll need
to set up to start your own info-product business...

The "Online Business Success System"

1. You need a Domain Name!

Brand yourself on the web! People know you by your
name, now people need to know you by your domain
name online. It's what your website's called. YES, you
do need your own website to do basic business here.

For more info on getting a powerful domain name,
read my article "5 Super Easy Secrets To A Winning
Domain Name" by sending a blank email now to

Two great registrars to snare that dream name are
- - $7.95/year, and
- - $7.95/year

2. Your Domain Needs A Home!

I'm referring of course to web hosting.

Now if you just do a quick search for
"web hosting" at,
you'll be lost for choice and definitely
confused as to a reliable and economical
web hosting provider...there're almost
3.9 MILLION choices out there!

I'm not an expert on web hosting, but I can
point you to three which I've used for my sites.
They all provide value-for-money reliable hosting
so I'm confident in recommending their services!


3. You Need To Get Paid!

When you're in control of your own info-product
business from YOUR OWN website, you'll need a
merchant account or a way to accept payments
online. This is different from promoting an affiliate
program where the program owners pay you.
Here, you're the boss : )

Don't worry, here's a super easy way.

- - ClickBank IS the recognized
online digital product payment solution provider. Through
them, you can begin accepting payments via credit cards
and online checks without need for a merchant account,
wow. They provide a completely hassle-free and reliable
service that has so far seen no equal competition.

Note though that ClickBank has a ONE-TIME $49.95
activation fee, but no monthly fees.

4. You Need Products To Make Money From!

The internet sure is one BIG marketplace!

eMarketer estimates that the number of internet users
will reach 565 million people worldwide by the end of 2002.
While according to Forrester, total online retail sales in the
US alone amounted to USD47.6 billion in 2001, up from
USD42.4 billion in 2000!

It's that big a pie, and it's growing, so get your share.
And selling info-product is one proven way, in fact it's one
of the biggest money-spinners online.

How do you get in? Well, you need fresh, in-demand and
profit-driving info-products like ebooks, softwares or audios
UPDATED constantly. Can you imagine the amount of money
you'll need to spend if you have to buy individual info-products
with resell rights all the time??

Ha, I'm not gonna do that definitely, so I do the next best
thing - find a supplier that'll buy them for me free.....
More on this coming right up!

5. Your Visitors Need To Know You!

Most traffic to your website is wasted traffic IF you
do not capitalize on following-up with your visitors!

Very few will purchase from you on the first visit.
Why? They don't really know, trust or hear you.
In fact, your visitors will not mind hearing from you
again and again if you give them quality information.

Meaning - You must start an ezine or mailing list.

Basically, you need to get your visitors' email addresses
to build a relationship with them. This is the basis of
follow-up marketing AND really, the Secret of so many
online gurus. They email recommendations to their HUGE
responsive subscribers and make chunks of money each
time - literally creating money out of nothing at all.

So start capturing your visitors' emails and follow-up
with them regularly. Supply quality and exclusive
information to them. Build that trust and credibility.
Do what it takes.

I take this so seriously that I built an entire website
around my ezine, cause the ezine IS the main product.

All-In-One Online Business Solution

Alright, everything I've talked about so far will mean
nothing to you if I don't provide you the tools you need.

I mean, here are the main crucial elements of a working
online business. But for most, getting them together is
the hardest part...imagine the headaches, money and
time required to set each up individually!

Fortunately, there's a PERFECT solution for you....

An ALL-IN-ONE online business solution provider!

You get EVERYTHING needed to make your living online :

1. Premium Web Hosting, 500 MB Space
2. Unlimited Digital Software and Ebook Products
3. Professional Ad Tracking
4. Sequential and Standard Email Autoresponders
5. List Hosting and List Broadcasting
(Start and run your own ezine)
7. Private Message Board Support
8. Wholesale Product Locator
(sell ANY type of product)
9. Copyright free, Internet Marketing Database
(to create Your own products)
10. Ebook/Software Purchasing Service
11. Unlimited support and guidance...and much more

You can get more information here if you are serious :

Let's recap what we've went through. I debunked hypes
of get-rich-quick schemes, but showed you the critical
elements of a successful online business. Focusing on
selling info-products, you got an idea what you would
need to set things up. Then, the perfect place for all
your online business needs was given to you....

So, question is, are you willing and ready to do what
it takes to set it up? Are you imagining the possibilility
of making money out of nothing once your system is up?

Stop imagining! It IS possible IF you set it up....

About the Author

Ewen Chia brings you the "Money Making Marketing Report". > How would YOU
like to get $97.00 worth of eBooks
Free? Titles include "Opt-In
Secrets","Online Success Blueprint"
and "Free Advertising Handbook"! PLUS
Receive Amazing Internet Marketing
Tips, Tricks And Much More..Instantly!
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