Nature's Prescription for Optimal Health and Longevity

For further information contact:

Hermine D. Carbo

130 Mary Alice Court

Union, NJ 07083

Tel: (908) 354-7901

For immediate release

“Nature’s prescription for optimal health and longevity”

UNION, NEW JERSEY - August 27, 2001 - One of the most important discoveries in biochemistry regarding how the body maintains health at the cellular level may have been made by a Research and Development Company, who, in 1996 introduced their unique products and subsequently filed for patents.

Glycoscience, the research about glyconutrients, - foods containing specific sugars that heal - goes back a number of years. The technology is so significant that it is vital for everyone to learn about it simply because it changes lives. These glyconutrients supply THE essential sugars (monosaccharides) that scientists have identified as an absolute requirement for proper cell structure and optimal functioning. Without these nutrients, the body simply cannot function at its best. The skyrocketing numbers of people suffering or dying from autoimmune diseases, diabetes, heart disease and cancer is so alarming that change in our traditional healthcare system is inevitable.

I was first introduced to this technology in 1999, at a time when my body still had not entirely “recovered” from an accident that occurred to me 10 years earlier. I got hit by a car, which resulted in injuries to the spine, head, and internal organs.
Having always been healthy up until the time of the accident, I was shocked that I was now prone to colds, infection, gastro-intestinal problems, migraine headaches and chronic backpain, often so severe that I felt as if I was on automatic pilot, barely getting through daily life at home, let alone my work.
Constantly living in pain and taking prescription medications that seemed to “suppress” my symptoms rather than resolving them made me feel depressed and disillusioned. I no longer enjoyed my life and felt, instead, that life was just passing me by.

All that changed one day when I received a very informative email about something called glyconutrients. It talked about cell to cell communication, building and strengthening the immune system and how these nutrients could contribute to achieving and maintaining better health.
At the time, I could not see the relevance for my case, especially since none of the doctors I consulted had ever mentioned this incredible breakthrough in nutraceutical science to me before. However, I was intrigued by the concept of supplying the body with these essential nutrients that we no longer receive from our food sources. When the cells get what they need to “perform their duty” in harmony with the rest of the body, the body functions optimally, as it was designed to. The body has what it needs to nourish, heal and repair itself. Whether someone is dealing with allergies, arthritis, chronic fatigue, diabetes, heart disease or even cancer, a small amount of these sugars taken daily – or a deficiency thereof – can have astonishing effects. I came to learn this, when I started to use them in October of 1999.
After just one week of being on the products, I felt an enormous difference in my energy level; my sleep and appetite improved and, most importantly, the pain in my back began to disappear. It wasn’t long afterwards that I realized that every chronic condition I had been dealing with for over 10 years had reversed itself. I had my life back!

I am so excited with the results of these glyconutrients that I would like to share this with everyone. Whether you are chronically ill and traditional medicine has not provided you with the answers you are looking for, or you simply want to take advantage of having the best available tools to prevent or reverse disease, decrease body fat, strengthen the immune system, have a better quality in your health and live longer, consider making glyconutrients a part of your daily diet. I would be happy to show you how. Call me at 908-354-7901.

About the Author
