No More Blind Dates When Seeking Real Estate Agents is a new forum for ranking real estate professionals.

When you type "real estate referral" into any search engine a slew of sites come up. In our experience here, at, those sites featured pages of sponsored adds with very little, if any impartial content.

We developed a business model whereby we would sustain ourselves on income derived from Google Adsense (tm). This is a pilot project so it remains to be seen if this will be sufficient to sustain us. By using banner ads as revenue, we can remove any bias in having to seek revenue from agents.

Initial reports are good. It looks as though we're receiving many hits and drawing in new rankings of agents.

Please visit: and let us know what you think.

About the Author

Martin Winer is the owner of He developed the site to help those seeking real estate agents from going into deals blind to the agents history.