Persuasive Speech Topic Ideas

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What makes a good persuasive speech topic? Experts will tell you that it should be a conversial subject. Why?

Well, if it's not controversial, no one, including yourself, will care if anyone gets persuaded! And the more controversial your persuasive speech topic, the harder challenge your creating for yourself, and the more you'll learn.

What's controversial enough? Well, we could consider vulgar things, but let's not degrade the quality of our diatribe. Let's begin with the two topics ettiquette suggests be omitted from polite conversation: religion, and politics!

Medical Persuasive Speech Topic Ideas:

Stem Cells
Is it a Fetus, or a Child?
Whose Rights are More Important - Mom's, or Child's?
Pro-Life vs. Pro-Choice
Is it a Physical, Mental, Emotional, or Spiritual Disease?
Is it a real disease, or just a learned behavior
Global Viral Epidemics
Should We Legalize Marijuana?
Marijuana: Its Effects on the Mind and Body
Parenthood Issues
Teen Parenthood
Welfare and Large Families
Irresponsible Fathers
Should We Require a License for Parenthood?
Political Persuasive Speech Topic Ideas:

Capital Punishment
The Death Penalty Versus Thou Shalt Not Kill
Poverty - Why Haven't We Solved This Problem?
The Middle East
Political Correctness vs. First Amendment Rights
Gun Control: Restricting Rights or Protecting People

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Another thing to consider in developing your persuasive speech topic is your approach. Aristotle listed several kinds - a persuasive speech topic can be based on questions of fact, value, or policy.

Persuasive Speech Topic based on a question of fact

In areas without an absolute answer, persuade your audience that one thing or another is fact. For example, if we don't know whether aliens exist, try to persuade them that they don't. Your persuasive speech topic would be, "Aliens Cannot Possibly Exist."

Persuasive Speech Topic based on a question of value

Talk about whether something is good or bad, worthless or ideal. For example, try to persuade your audience that national borders are inhumane, or that basketball is the ideal sport. Your persuasive speech topic would be, "Basketball is the Ideal Sport."

Persuasive Speech Topic based on a question of policy

Argue for immediate action or tacit approval about what should be done. This is a call to action. You must not only persuade them that you're right, and that the action is necessary, but that it is immediately important. Then provide them with a clear plan of action in line with your persuasive speech topic - what to do and how to do it.

For example, explain how many people are dying of AIDS in Africa, what it's doing to their economy and governments, and how it will inevitably effect America. Then tell them how to get involved with raising money and influencing American politics. Your persuasive speech topic would be, "How You Can Help Save America from Africa's AIDS Problem."

Links to More Persuasive Speech Topic Ideas:

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About the Author

Brian has been a public speaker for five years, a guest on national radio shows, is president of his local speaking club, teaches medicine, and is the author of Powerful Body, Peaceful Mind: How to Heal Yourself with Foods, Herbs, and Acupressure (