This is no joking matter; There are NO Get Rich Quick Schemes, Easy Way Outs, or Money For Nothing "opportunities" that actually work.

Starting a Business and Marketing it primarily on the internet is one of the most serious decisions any ONE person can make.
It takes 100%...
Hard Work
Tons of Research
Serious Attitude
...And YES, a lot of Hours

And this is just the start. This day in age, we have technology on our side. But it is the person that makes a business successful. You cannot just jump online, pick something that is FREE and plan
on making a bundle working only 3 hours a day. I know many businesses promise it, but it is just not that simple. I have been marketing online for sometime now, and I have yet to see actual
facts to back up these claims.

The fact remains that some people just are not cut out for making an online business work. A Successful business person requires the proper skills, business manner, know-how, and creative talent in order to even begin on a path in the right direction. I have seen it a million
times and expect to see it a million more. That is why 95% of online businesses fail, lack of originality and individualism.

So what do we do to set up a successful business online?

What do I mean by this? You need to create your own product. This is the plain truth. Also, do not be afraid of a direction that your product or business takes. There is nothing wrong with starting down one path and then finding a better one. As long as you are not jumping at every "opportunity" that comes along, and you go with the ideas that your product takes you. For that is how one stumbles upon the road to success.

But that is not all. There is so much more entailed into being successful. Let's cover the bases on where to start finding what is right for you, taking an idea and utilizing it in making your own
unique business. And that is the key word, "UNIQUE".

How to create your own Product:
This does not mean you have to formulate your own product. You can use existing products that are being sold online, but the key is to build your own product line out of it. This means
using your own creativity. Take a product or service that you know will flourish. Something people will get something out of. The most important part of this is that it is something you believe is 100% worthy of you taking the time and energy to build upon and make a career out of.

Obviously we all are in some sort of business on the internet at this present time, but it might not be drawing attention the way you were hoping, and it is not always your marketing techniques
that causes your business to go sour. It just may be your product OR lack of product line.

So how do you create your own unique business with "Your Own Product"?
By creating a website that is YOU and marketing your business from YOUR viewpoint. Have your primary product or service as the main streamline of your business, but build on it.
Do not just be a follower, but use your OWN individual points of view. Learn to grow and find out what you are capable of. Offer other things that will enhance on your main product or service to attract a wider range of prospects. This is what will make it unique. Because it will be
YOUR product line, your words of wisdom, and your belief that will make it sell. NO ONE will have the same product line as you because you built it yourself, by using various products and services that enhance each other, that is being "Unique". This is the heart and soul of your business and only YOU can make it work!

Now that we know that basics of how we can become unique in our own business, we need to research the various ways of building our business to meet our own expectations in order to reach success.

This is not easy, but it is fun and very informative. We all receive tons of "junk" mail or "spam" as some put it, in our email box. If you glance through these offers, something may catch your eye. Something that is in the same target market of your present product that you are selling,
BUT, not in direct competition.

When reading ezines and newsletters, look through the classified ads carefully. It holds merit to look through these offers in the ezines and newsletters for these reasons alone:

People who advertise in ezines and newsletters have had some sort of success in one way or another if they are able to budget their dollars to advertise in this fashion. Or at the very least they are aware of the power the ezine and newsletter advertising has for businesses online.

Find a product or service that you really feel is right for you and will enhance your product. You can create a product line of 3 or 10 various products and services. You must make sure that they will in no way jeopardize your main streamline. Here is an example:

My business is targeted to current home and small businesses who would like to succeed online and improve their marketing skills. I created my own Marketing Workshop, as my main streamline. I then created an Ezine targeting the same market and I also sell Business Building E-Books. NO ONE has the exact same scenario as I have in my business. Similar, YES, exact, NO. And I am continually researching all avenues to enhance my business on a daily basis,
and always coming up with new and innovative ideas that I know will really build my business.

One very productive product that could enhance any business are E-Books. Buy E-Books with re-seller rights, so you can sell them or even give them away at your site. Make sure they are based on the subject of your main streamline.

Start your own Newsletter, and just begin adding all clients and prospects to your mailing list, and in time it will grow. Write about what you know about your business in these newsletters. People will get to know you as a person and a very respectful business owner. You can even run your newsletters directly from your website, and not have to worry about subscribers, but at the same time encourage prospects to keep returning to your site to read your newsletter. They will continually see your product line, and sooner or later just may invest.

Create something personal on your site for your business that will mark you as an individual, and will show your personality. Even just a logo. Something people will remember, and will most likely
cause them to bookmark your site for future reference.

Build your business a step at a time. If you do not have your own website, or your own domain, start it. If you do not know how to go about it, collect your ideas, begin your product line and start
building. You can hire a web designer, or you can use many FREE services on the internet that will allow you to build your own web site. It is strongly recommended you get your own
domain in order to build your business the right way, and you will make your mark on the internet.

Ok...POINT BLANK....Your business is YOURS, no one else's. Do what you feel is necessary in order to achieve your ultimate goals. Think of the many successful businesses out there and think of how they had to have gotten their start. They are no different then you or me. It CAN be done! Have confidence in that fact and build on it. No one will stop you or tell you what you can and cannot do. These are your dreams and ambitions, so create your "Own Uniqueness",
get noticed and you will be remembered.

About the Author

Author: Debbie Solomon
Debbie is the Creator of The HomeSource Arena,
which is The Leading Source in Certified Home Employment,
and owner of The Online Exchange Ezine, a Top Rated,
world renowned Ezine. The only Ezine that will give you
FREE Access into an Exclusive Members Only Club, just
for subscribing for FREE to The OnLine Exchange Ezine.
Please visit her site at: