Remember them!
When you were thinking of starting your online venture, you
probably consulted with a group of people we all take for
granted. When you started you were probably part time online,
and full time working to pay the bills. That same group of
people are now sitting waiting for you to get home from
work, do your "online stuff" and all the other things you cram
in before they get a look in. Those people are your family. If
you're married, you probably told your partner of the wonderful
future you would have, and how you would have more time to spend
with the family. Then you asked for their blessing, and backing
before you started in earnest, telling them just a few weeks, a
few months max working like a dog when you got home and it was
all going to be great. Your family stuck by you when it didn't
work first time, they encouraged you and backed you up with
their love.
We all want to succeed, but without someone to love,
will success and wealth mean anything at all?
Think about it today, It's time to give something back
to them now. Make some time for them, and make it quality time.
Take time away from the computer, time away from the internet, and
really move away from it. Your family love you, and they are making
sacrifices too, so you can follow your dreams, but even family has
limits, so don't forget them.
Written by Doug Titchmarsh when he spent too much time on his
new website at
About the Author
Douglas Titchmarsh runs several websites, and blogs including and