Resolutions in the Job Search Just Don't Work!

New Year's Resolutions

in the Job Search

Just Don't Work!

Let me explain about why I think
resolutions to find a new job don't
work. New Year's resolutions are
too ephemeral! They are a signal
that something needs to change within
a person, but the dedication to change
isn't really there. It's a lot of
wishful thinking, isn't it?

How to make a resolution work for you?
Here are my tips.
1. Write them down. Refer to them often.

Make any small changes as you move along.
2. The resolution needs to be realistic.

Concrete resolutions that need action

can't be ignored for long.
3. Make something happen that is on your

resolution list. Take one of the items

on your list and diagram or write what

you must do to make the change. (Calling

on employers could be on the list).
4. Keep moving. Your resolutions need to

be fulfilled. Don't take your own "no"

as the answer. Persevere, start over as

need be.
5. Be successful in achieving a goal.

About the Author

Marilyn J. Tellez, M.A.
Certified Job & Career Transition Coach
(509) 469-3514