Resume Post - Myths about Resume Posting Online

Let's take a look at eight common job search myths...and the reality behind them:

The best qualified individual gets the job.

Actually, it's the best candidate who gets the job. That person may or may not be the best qualified. Understand the difference.

Job boards are the best source of leads.

Your network is the best source of leads. Its fine to check online and to peruse the want ads...but don't spend too much time there. Most jobs are never posted.

It's nearly impossible to find those hidden jobs.

Not if you put some work into it, and if you're purposeful about how you go about it. Make sure people know about your search. They can't help you if they don't know you're looking. Keep working to expand your network. Every meeting with another person is a potential networking opportunity. Think about who might be able to help you - even if it's someone you don't know yet - and figure out how you can go about meeting that person.

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