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Small Business Taxes Made Easy
By Eva Rosenberg
ISBN: 0071441689
Publisher: McGraw-Hill
Retail Price: $16.95
Eva Rosenberg has written a wonderful handbook for both new and veteran small businesses. She covers everything from home office deductions to hiring employees. She warns you when something may cause an audit, and how to keep your papers organized so you not only have back-up to prove your deductions, but so you don’t miss important tax deductions. She talks about the pros and cons of hiring family, and shares resources a plenty. But what I like best about her book, besides the fact that she steers clear of tax-break scams, is the fact that she writes in a conversational tone which makes it easy to understand some of the more complex tax laws.
If you’re worried you’ve forgotten to include something in your tax records, or not sure about how to get started with your recordkeeping, you’ll want to pick up a copy of Small Business Taxes Made Easy, today.
About the Author
Alyice Edrich is the editor of The Dabbling–where BUSY parents find balance ( She is also the author of several work-from-home e-books, including one that allows parents to earn $50 in two hours without joining an MLM or home party business.