Secret Formula To Finding Real Estate

Secret Formula To Finding Real Estate


Right now real estate gurus are preaching a style of
real estate investing that encourages you to go after
the same houses as a myriad of other investors.

Where the principle is sound, how about going after the
same kind of properties but eliminate most competition?

When you work For Sale ads in the paper, you are entering
a market full of competitors. Thats fine if you like to
divide your profit with agents, for sale by owners,
investors flipping deals etc.

We have a better way. We have a marketing program that
targets homeowners before they know they really want to

Does this sound as though we have a secret formula?

The answer is we do.

Before you hear how simple it is consider how powerful
this formula is. Find deals before other investors even
know about them.

Have your foot in the door before the home ever hits the
classified section of the newspaper.

Powerful! When you find out the answer you will think,
"Oh ya, I know that". Dont under estimate this tactic.

Find a target neighborhood and market to it on a regular
basis! If you know of an affordable area you believe
has a good chance of appreciating in the near term,
target that area!

If you like to fix up properties, find older middle
income areas that attract people who have the income
to easily qualify for loans and target those areas!

The point is, market to areas where you want to invest.

With foreclosure rates high, lots of bankruptcy, slow
job creation lots of homeowners are will face a financial

If they know you are ready to quickly take mortgage
payments off their backs they are likely to call you when
they realize they must see.

Many will call You! Not a real estate agent or another
investor. They will call you! This will happen because
you have been marketing your home buying expertise to
them over the last few months.

You will achieve this by your marketing. Its a simple
formula, but you must do it month after month. Most
would-be investors give up and two month if they have
not bought three houses.

Wrong! Start marketing and dont stop. The sensible
and economical way to do that is with POSTCARDS!

For a complete postcard strategy go to...



In many areas homes just arnt being built fast
enough. There is more demand than supply. Home values
are appreciating quickly and folks are linning up to

This is prime time for the investor willing to buy
homes just a little below fair market value and quickly
sell them just slightly above market value.

Loan rates are still low and people will pay to get
into a home NOW!

The trick is to negoitate a purchase option and then
quickly find a buyer for the home... and take a quick
profit with a minimum amount of effort.

Nothing works better with tactic than the "How To
Sell A Home In 5-Days" plan. This is a real winner and
most investor are overlooking it.

Get smart and learn more...


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Until next time - Go Forth and Prosper!

Mark Walters~

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About The Author...

Mark Walters is a third generation investor, author,
speaker and publisher. He is the Webmaster of

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