Select Your Strengths First, Then Select Your Business

So, you like the idea of starting your own business, and network
marketing, Internet marketing, or re-selling other's products appeals
to you as a great way to enjoy the benefits of being an independent
business owner without committing to a large investment.

Wise choice. You're not alone in recognizing the advantages of
these type of businesses.

However, you'd like to make a wise choice as to WHICH ONE of
the many opportunities available to join as well, right?

While I will go through some of the aspects you should consider
when looking into starting your own business, I want you to do
something else first.

Identify YOUR strengths.

Obviously, with any marketing business, you're going to have to
become good at sales. However, there are options as to which
way you get your sales.

Do you want to work strictly online, offline, or both?
Do you want to sell products only?
Or recruit a downline to sell with you?

This is where you must think about what you want to do on a daily
basis and make some decisions based upon your strengths and


For instance, the online world uses written communication
extensively. You don't necessarily have to be great at writing, but
you must be able to communicate clearly, write effective
advertising, and maintain business correspondence.

Will you be willing to call distant prospects if necessary? Or do
you expect to conduct all your business via email? Will you need to
write sales letters or build a web site? Or do you want to work
with a company that provides those items for you? The personal
touch is always better in business, but are you willing to work that

Offline selling requires face to face contact and sales tactics. How
will you talk to your prospects? Where will you get your leads?
How much time, traveling, or investment will this take?

These are all items to consider and as such, you need to identify
which areas you are strong in or willing to work at learning.


There are literally thousands of products, both physical and digital.
The best products are those that you personally have an interest in,
and those with a growing market. However, are you simply
interested in selling a quality product line to others or recruiting a
downline to sell with you? Which process do you expect to be
better at? Can you sell enough product to make the kind of money
you desire? Or will you be better at recruiting others and making
your money from their sales?

Again these are all decisions you need to make BEFORE you go
looking for a business opportunity. As well, you may want to
consider programs you are already involved with that aren't
producing what you expected. Is it the program, or does it just not
fit well with the strengths you have?


Naturally, there is nothing wrong with learning more to improve
yourself and fortify your weaknesses. There is a lot of information
available on marketing products and recruiting others, both online
and offline. There are always services available for hire to help you
in the areas you need as well.

Plus, some programs offer extra training for serious individuals and
even help in recruiting a downline. Liberty Management is one
company that is sweeping the Internet by producing legitimate
results and building paying downlines for their clients. ( click here
for a FREE heads up review of what Liberty is actually doing from
the LOBO Letter, a paid subscription newsletter that independently
reviews programs ).


The BEST part of working your own business is getting to do what
you want. So don't jump headlong into an opportunity just because
you like the money it's supposed to make if it means doing things
that either you aren't good at or don't like. It WON'T make that
kind of money for you in that instance anyway.

Identify your strengths, desires, and goals. Don't be afraid to admit
the areas you want to avoid or that you'll require assistance with
either. THEN go looking for a business that YOU can be happy
with. In the end, it will save you time, expense, and ultimately make
you more successful.

Written by Joe Bingham, Editor of the NetPlay Newsletter.

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About the Author

Written by Joe Bingham of the NetPlay Newsletter
Joe is a widely published and acclaimed Internet marketing author.
His business includes doing promotional article writing for Internet
businesses and the NetPlay Newsletter ezine.

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