Self it better

When you're known as a writer only to family, friends and a handful of people around town is it wise to wait for traditional publishing companies to bite on your literary work?

If so you will wait a very long time unless you are a celebrity or high profile.

Very few unknown writers get picked up by traditional publishing companies.

They have been fortunate to know a friend whose friend's cousin's brother is a literary agent in another state.

Then they hope and pray this agent actually takes time to read their manuscript and shop it to publishing companies along with the other 97 great manuscripts he has in his briefcase.

Keep in mind thousands of manuscripts are registered to the Library of Congress each year. Writers who submit material think their work is the best.

O.k. let's say your material is picked up by a big publishing company. If they don't like the format, the title, the characters you worked so hard to create or anything to do with the story line, they will want it changed

Since they pay you up front, the publishing company has control over your work.

Before you decide on traditional publishing or self publishing, go the extra mile and research. Make sure you choose the route best for you.

I am a writer/selfpublished author with Authorhouse Publishing.

My book titled: Instant Message (IM) people who meet people online is distributed through Ingram Distribution Center. Instant Message (IM) is available in over 25,000 bookstores and on-line book outlets.

I have copyrights and control over my own book.

You can too!!

About the Author

Native New Yorker. Author of: INSTANT MESSAGE (IM) People Who Meet People Online -