Setting You Sails - The Mission Statement

Web Power - Mission Statement:

We are dedicated to enabling web entrepreneurs to maximise their revenue by providing high quality, online learning information.

Setting Your Sails

Where are you going and how are you going to get there are two very valid questions that any self respecting entrepreneur should seek to answer.

One question that many fail to address is, "why are we going there in the first place?"

According to Johnson and Scholes, "Exploring Corporate Strategy", an organisation's ethos should be encompassed in the mission statement. The mission statement, when crafted with care, will become an umbrella for all company goals, objectives and activities.

The mission statement will help clarify the reason for the existence of the organisation. From it comes the answer to "why are we here?" Not only that, but executives, employees and customers will have an idea of the nature of the organisation.

Clarke-Hill and Glaister (1992) observed, `A mission statement is not designed to express concrete ends, but to provide motivation, general direction, an image and a philosophy to guide the enterprise'. Moreover mission should reveal the organization's self-concepts, its principal or service and the primary customer need that the firm wishes to satisfy.

Your Mission Statement Should...

express your organization's purpose in a way that inspires support and ongoing commitment

motivate those who are connected to the organization

be articulated in a way that is convincing and easy to grasp

use proactive verbs to describe what you do

be free of jargon

be short enough so that anyone connected to the organization can readily repeat it

Components of an effective mission statement include:

The nature of the organization and what it is about.
The values and beliefs which guide the organization's activities
The direction the organization wants to go.

Now Over To You:

Before you go ahead and set your goals for the next few months, (short term) or for the next 12 months, (long term), when considering an Internet or IT based enterprise), draft your mission statement. Keep it short and pithy. Use ours as a guide. In broad terms it states what we intend to do and how we are going to do it.

Web Power:-

About the Author

Peter Wellington is a well respected authority on Internet Marketing, E-commernce and strategic planning. In addition to being the CEO of BigPot Internet Marketing he currently lectures in Business Studies and Information Technology. His ezine Web Power is available:-