Six Management Tips for Trying Economic Times Part 2

Okay guys - have you done your homework? Have you been implementing the steps that we've been discussing over the last couple of issues?

Well, maybe you're not completely there yet, but I'm sure you are on your way. Don't forget to write me if you have any questions. Just for fun, let's make sure we're clear with the tips - how about a super-quick review?

Tip 1 - Get your attitude in check
Tip 2 - Address your employees' attitude issues (fun, huh?)
Tip 3 - Keep the lines of communication with staff as open as possible
Tip 4 - Re-assess and re-prioritize projects
Tip 5 - Meet or beat deadlines

Alrighty - so now we're up to number six. You ready?? It's REWARD employees for their hard work!!!

Yay - reward employees - that's a fun one!!! You'll get to make people feel good and make them feel appreciated and spend a little more time with your employees and maybe even get to spend a little money on rewards...wait a minute. I can feel the vibes out there - do I detect a little resistance?

Well, if you are somewhat uncomfortable with this concept - don't worry. You are not alone. In fact many, many managers far and wide have a tough time with this whole praise and reward deal. Why? Well, I have my theories (shocking, huh?) but I won't bore you with the details (another shock!). Let's just tackle the issue of why it's so important and how to go about it and that may help you feel a little bit more at ease with actually doing it. Praising and rewarding that is.

Okay - so here's the deal. Have you heard that old saying about how money isn't the biggest motivator in employee performance? Well, I certainly don't have scientific proof of that, but in my experience it seems to be the truth. So if that's not the biggest performance motivator - what is? Can you guess?

Right!! It's feeling as if you've don't a great job and that you are appreciated for your hard work. And if that's true, it's up to you as a manager to let employees know that they are appreciated!!
Now there are many of you who just aren't comfortable with patting people on the back (figuratively, of course). But it really isn't that hard and it does go such a long way in the employee motivation department. Look, all you have to do is say - "Jane, you did a great job with x. I really appreciate your hard work."

See - it's that simple! Just remember to deliver the pat on the back in a timely manner. And be specific about what the employee did that was so great. You want them to know what they are doing well so that they keep it up!!

In addition to praising your employees as individuals, you should also strive to reward them as a group. If you have the money in your budget, spring for an unscheduled bonus such as gift certificates to the local mall (or hardware store - satisfied guys??). Cater in for a fun and unusual lunch -yes, people do tire of pizza.

And if your company has any kind of official employee recognition program - use it and use it often. It's there for a reason!!

Now there are tons of other ways to reward employees - far too many to cover in a short e-zine. So do a little reading on the topic. There are scores of great books with fun ideas. One great resource is 1001 Ways to Reward Employees by Bob Nelson.

Now go out there and be a STAR!!!!!

About the Author

Molly Luffy, MBA, owner of Work Ethic Wizard, dedicated to helping managers regain their sanity and employees survive and thrive in today’s corporation.
Author of “Super-Charge Your Promotion Quotient: 225 Success Strategies for the New Professional.”