Startling Facts...

Fact: Start a Business without a
Masterplan for Success and
You’re 95% Certain to Fail!

Fact: Only 5% of People Who Start a Business Make it into Year 6.

“95% of small business start ups fail within 5 years. Two-thirds of new employer firms survive at least two years, and about half survive at least four years.” (Source: Small Business Administration 2004).

How can this be when the same US Government source claims that small firms represent more than 99.7% of all employers? Why is the failure rate so high? Here’s why. 95%of all start ups have no masterplan in position at the outset and in consequence flounder and sink without a trace. What’s more, this alarming fatality quotient applies equally to offline and online enterprises. Even worse, tens of thousands more start a business every day and follow exactly the same route to disaster.

Fact: Google lists in excess of 12,000,000 web sites offering advice on how to start a business - but how many I wonder emanate from people who’ve actually done it for themselves. My site does. I’ve founded, owned and operated dozens of small businesses – and I’m still doing it. I’ve also authored two widely-acclaimed bestselling hard copy books on the topic, ‘Starting Your Own Business’ (How To Books ISBN 1-85703-859-2) and ‘Starting an Internet Business at Home’ (Kogan Page ISBN 0-7494-3484-8); titles that sell in big numbers online at and offline in bookstores throughout the world.

Now I’m unzipping my case notes spanning forty years of successful independent commercial activity to present you with an all-in-one masterplan to ensure success before you start a business – and to maintain momentum in tandem with your endeavors so that you don’t end up in the same place as 95% of start ups: the dump truck.

The All-in-One Start a Business Masterplan doesn’t simply focus on getting you up and running. As the Ultimate Start a Business Compendium it goes deeper, much deeper. In its 4 individual tutorials it aims at the creative heart of operating a small enterprise: how to start a business with failsafe offline and online strategies, how to avoid the crucial mistakes that cripple 95% of all start ups, and how to sustain progress with tried, tested, proven stratagems.


The All-in-One Start a Business Masterplan will empower you to conceive your own exclusive blueprint for a happy, successful and rewarding small business operation. Plans are great things. They show you where you are going, what to do, and how to do it when you get there. Make no mistake though; you will not be creating this blueprint just to get you started. It’s going to be around for a long time and you will want to review and update it regularly to take account of twists and turns along the way. That’s the beauty of it. When you have a blueprint for success, you can legislate for change. Without one you cannot; you’ll be like the explorer in the jungle without a map.


What this is not is a hotchpotch of miscellaneous lame-brained notions and opinions cobbled together to create a sycophantic litany. The All-in-One Start a Business Masterplan is the genuine product of my own personal experience as a successful small business owner offline and online. It consists of 4 comprehensive tutorials, 60 full blown chapters, 555 pages, and covers every aspect of single-minded entrepreneurship: galvanizing into initial action, getting started on your plan, settling on an idea for your enterprise, tackling initial teething problems, overcoming the threatening scenarios everyone encounters along the way, and setting the course for a lifetime of fulfilment and enrichment. The good, the bad, and the in-between are all recorded: where I hit the target plumb center, where I screwed up, and how I put it right.

About the Author

Jim Green is a successful Networker and bestselling author with a string of niche non-fiction titles to his credit. His All-In-One Tutorial is available at