Strong Future

Thinking of starting your own online business? Or, have you tried a business before and it never got off the ground?

Last October I was looking on the Internet for ideas about getting rid of unpleasant odors from the house when I stumbled onto SFI Marketing Group. My search lead to a lot of different articles published by They have articles for just about any subject you want to research. While browsing through the articles I found a link to SFI Marketing Group’s affiliate program and clicked on it just because I was curious and wanted to know more about it. I liked what I read about it and went on and signed up because around that time I’ve thought a lot about my future with my job and it’s uncertainties. The main thing right then that caused me to sign up was that I could test drive it for free as long as I want. Well I’m going into my sixth month and I’m still sort of test-driving it. SFI stands for Strong Future International.

Serious Business

Actually, I’ve gotten pretty serious about it from day one. I know there is no such thing as get rich overnight. But I also know that in three years time a person could make him or

herself a fair amount of money in a business such as SFI, And three years isn’t a very long time once you look back on it. Looking ahead three years and anxiously waiting for,

“something good”, to happen can cause you to become so impatient that you might give up trying to make that, “something good”, to happen. The keyword there is, MAKE, and

the secret is, don’t give up!

Look Ahead…

Looking ahead is only for setting goals, not daydreaming about what you are going to be doing three years from now after you have gained wealth. A little dream now and then doesn’t hurt, especially if it will help you focus on your goals. While you are dreaming, ask yourself, “where will I be three years from now?” and think about what you are doing now to reach your goals. As for myself, I know that if I don’t do anything now to help

Insure my future, I might not even be at the point I’m at today, because as far as jobs and

Job advancements are concerned, it’s almost null.

Temporaries and American made in Taiwan…

Large corporations that usually pay well have learned that they can keep more of their money by hiring temporaries and turning them over every sixty to ninety days. Or, take the operation out of the country altogether to a lower wage earner country. It’s already been happening where I work. We are an American made brand, but lots of my company’s product is made in or assembled in Mexico and Taiwan. Does that make sense? I guess it does to our CEO who evidently doesn’t care about those American employees who have already lost their jobs. The great thing about SFI Marketing Group is that the, “I” stands for international. It’s a global organization that is willing to share its profits with affiliates who are willing to work. As a sponsor, you could have someone in India, Australia, the America’s or almost 200 other countries in your downline. That’s a pretty broad outreach to make money from don’t you think? It’s by far a greater outreach than my job will ever offer or any other job for that matter.

My Main Plan…

My main plan is, not to give up, and to make it happen. I have other plans of action that falls under that and will change and develop others as I can. One of my plans

Is to try as much as possible to help others to succeed. Because most of what I’ve read

About affiliate marketing success is about helping others succeed. But your success depends mostly on you and the amount of effort that you put into your own business.

You can easily sign up under me or some other sponsor, but if that’s all you do than you

May as well opt out of the marketing business altogether so that your name and all your records can be cleared from the companies’ record and your sponsor’s record as well.

That pretty bluntly put, but if you plan on being in business, even if it’s a lawn mowing business, then you have to get serious with it in order to make it work. I have affiliates who haven’t so much as looked at any their own affiliate web sites that are so generously supplied by SFI for free. Other than an encouraging email now and than, there isn’t much help that I can offer to them. You can’t help those that won’t help themselves.

More Information…

If you would like more information about SFI Marketing Group you may contact me at I won’t kid you one bit. It takes work and some money too if you want to grow your business quicker, but there are lots of resources on SFI’s main web site and most of it is free for affiliates to use. We don’t promise overnight success, but after three years, or maybe less of dedicated work you may just look back and think, “well! that didn’t take long”. “Now I can tell my boss good-by, for good.”

Have a great life,

Roger Riney

About the Author

Roger Riney has written articles concerning spiritual matters, business, and family.
Visit Roger's Blogs at and
To find out more about SFI Marketing Group visit