Temping: A Backdoor Entrance to New Careers

Temping: A Backdoor Entrance to New Careers

 by: Scott Brown

If you’re in between jobs or having trouble finding the career you want, you might want to consider temping. It’s a great way to avoid having gaps on your resume and you may also get a chance to learn something new. If you’re looking to change careers but don’t know where to start, it’s also a great way to gain experience without making a life change. You can temp for a little while and then decide if it’s time to change fields. Experience will get you everywhere so go out and get some

Listing it on your resume

A lot of people are afraid to take a temp job because they’re afraid of how it will look on their resume. But keep in mind that temping is not what it used to be. If you present it the right way, an interviewer will focus on your skills and experience, not that fact that you held a temp job. Temping jobs are great for mid-life career changers, as they can help you find yourself in terms of your new career. People often take temping jobs when they are in between jobs and need some income for the time being. However, some temp jobs last longer than “permanent” jobs.

Simply list your temp job(s) by the employer(s) you worked for. If you list the job as “Johnson Temp Agency” if may hurt your chances of getting a permanent job. While there’s nothing wrong with doing temporary work, we are often judged by the content of our resumes before we even meet an employer. List the job title, employer, and then the name of the agency to avoid unnecessary biases. For example:

Administrative Assistant, ABC Corporation, New York, NY

January 2004-present

This way, if someone is quickly skimming your resume, they won’t immediately see that you were/are employed as a temp.

De-emphasize the “temporary” part

These days regular jobs are sometimes just as temporary as temp jobs. It’s a tough economy with a lot of competition. But your temping experience can be an advantage if you have gotten a lot out of it. Remember, if your stint as a temp was brief, you don’t even have to list it all. However, if the experience (long or short) has benefited you as a professional, by all means, mention it Here are some quick reasons why you should mention your temping experience:

  • You went above and beyond the call of duty at your temp job

  • As a result, you have more skills, learned new programs, etc.

  • You worked for a nationally recognized firm for a period of 6 months or more

Remember, it’s your choice whether or not you even use the word “temp.” You might want to avoid using words like “temporary” or “temp altogether. Just be honest if you are questioned about your work history. When it comes time for an interview, keep your spirits up. Be as upbeat as possible about your temping experience and share all the positive aspects that have molded you into the professional you are today. Keep in mind that your feelings on the subject will show through. So think of your temping experience as a good one and others will too!