Astral Tournament
Astral Tournament deals forces to you and your computer opponent that include magicians who control the air, land, fire, death, and earth. After starting a new game, you choose a particular magician and the location in which you want to place him. You attack your opponent, then change places so the enemy attacks you.
After each deathmatch, Astral Tournament presents information on what happened. The match is much more interesting than an ordinary fight in which two monsters beat each other up, because you have to think about which forces are stronger and which can better combat or defeat their rivals. Even if equal forces fight, there is only one winner. Gameplay continues until you destroy all the forces of your rival or they defeat all of yours.
Astral Tournament is more strategic than fighting games, which makes it more attractive to fans of strategy and card-based combat.
"The first thing to note about Astral Tournament is how the game sucks you in the second you load it, and doesn't let go, you can easily lose yourself while playing and 'wake up' a good few hours later wondering why its so late."
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David D. Deprice teaches a dirty little trick to get 10-30% off any downloadable software at