The Power Of CGI Scripts

Learning to install and use CGI scripts

on your website can open up a whole

new realm of possibilities for you.

CGI scripts can be used for many important

everyday tasks like:

1) Sales
2) Subscriptions
3) Tracking of e-book downloads
4) Recommendations
5) and many more.

The simple mention of the term CGI is

enough to raise the hairs on the back of

the neck for most webmasters including

some of the seasoned pros.

Not to fear...there are a lot of great recourses

available to help walk you through the CGI

learning curve.

Here is one that I recommend for learning to

install and use CGI scripts on your site:

You will probably want to bookmark this site

after spending some time reading through the


They have many more helpful tutorials from

which most of us could benefit.

The use of CGI scripts is not nearly as difficult

as most of use may have been lead to believe.

You simply take it one step at a time. Follow

the directions exactly. Before you know it,

you are an "expert" in the use of CGI.

Best of luck with all of your promotional efforts.


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About the Author

Larry is the editor of BIZ SITE BIZ E-ZINE, a Free weekly
business promotion newsletter full of timely tips, original
"How-To" articles, resources, quotes and humor.