The Ten Steps to Financial Success

We hope that you had a very merry Christmas and that
the following new article may be informative
and/or helpful for your e-zine, or on your web site. This
piece is a summary of my booklet THE ROAD TO FINANCIAL
INDEPENDENCE, as well as incorporating thoughts and
extracts from THE MAD MONEY BOOK.
Craig Lock's other articles (internet marketing, self help,
writing and money) are available at:
Please feel free to publish them in your ezine or web site.

"I share what I know, so that you and your money may grow".


by Craig Lock

Some people dream of success...while others wake up and work hard
at it.

"If you've tried to do something and failed you are much better off,
than, if you tried to do nothing and succeeded.

The ordinary (and perhaps even lazy) person's sure and steady way
to wealth and happiness. The "secrets" to better money management
and perhaps even "riches". No, really there are no secrets. It's all
simple, basic common-sense.

Well now is a great time of the year to reflect on past happenings
and plan ahead for 2002. Some points to "kick off"...


1. Accept that you can achieve financial success and make a
COMMITMENT to yourself to attain it. It is within your grasp. if you
really want it. Really BELIEVE it - that is the most important step.
Only then will the incredible power of the human mind work out a
means of achieving it. Reject the idea that work is simply something
you have to do until the age of retirement.

2. Ask yourself this: Where do you want to be in 2,5,10 years time?
Set goals that excite you. If you could do absolutely anything with
your life, what would you do? If you had unlimited money or found
out you only had a month to live, what would you do? Write your
answers down.

3. Establish your current financial position. What is the cash inflow
and outflow. Horrors! Which areas can be improved upon? Everything!

4. Develop your NEW plans. Decide what action you are going to take
that will move you closer to the achievement of your goals? All goals
should be specific and have a time constraint.

5. Closely monitor the performance of your investments and your rate
of savings.

6. Try to put extra savings into investment (it could be your own

7. Review and reward yourself annually if your targets are met.

8. Pursue your personal goals and business ideas with all you've got -
with real PASSION and PURPOSE. If you really BELIEVE In them, they
are far more likely to be achieved.

9. Still try to live a BALANCED life... or as balanced as you can
make it. Money doesn't buy happiness; yet I'd rather be unhappy in

10. The highest cost of all is the cost of waiting to TAKE ACTION
to change your current circumstances in life (as 94% of the population
apparently are dissatisfied with their situations. It is up to you to do
things differently. So take ACTION now - to change course.
You get only one shot at life, so make the most of it.

Always remember,

True prosperity is created from within. All prosperity is created
in the mind. You are only as wealthy, happy or as prosperous, as WHAT
YOU FEEL... and what you make up your mind to be. And money is not
everything. For me, health, family and happiness are far far more
important considerations.

Aim high, dream high.

If you aim for the tree tops, you might not get off the ground...
so why not aim for the stars, perhaps even a million dollars.

Good luck

Craig Lock

Believe in yourself and in your dream,

Though impossible things may seem

Someday, somehow you'll get through

To the goal you have in view.

Mountains fall and seas divide,

Before the one who in his stride

Takes a hard road by day

Sweeping obstacles away

Believe in yourself and in your plan

Say not - I cannot - I can

The prizes of life we fail to win

Because we doubt the power within.

- anon

If you can believe it, you can achieve it. If you can visualize it,
you can realize it!

Reach high, for stars lie hidden in your soul. Dream deep,
for every dream precedes the goal.
....Pamela Vaull Starr

P.S: After that long read, take a breather...

About the author

Craig Lock has been involved in the personal finance field for over
twenty years in South Africa and New Zealand. He is now an author
of five published books with another twelve being published and
marketed on the Internet. Craig has written extensively on money
matters: articles, brochures for financial institutions and books.
He is presently living in beautiful slow New Zealand waiting for the
next adventure life has in store for him.

For valuable money information to help you
make and save your hard-earned money

Get out of debt

-Learn how to invest

-Retire early
-Take control of your finances

The Million Dollar Money Tree

Money Management Course (online):

The various books that I "felt inspired to write" are available at:

Hard copies and e-books: Fiction and non-fiction, novels ,
travel, humour, inspiration, self help and money books


"If you have knowledge, let others light a candle to it."
- Margaret Fuller


About the Author

About the author

Craig Lock has been involved in the personal finance field for over
twenty years in South Africa and New Zealand. He is now an author
of five published books with another twelve being published and
marketed on the Internet. Craig has written extensively on money
matters: articles, brochures for financial institutions and books.
He is presently living in beautiful slow New Zealand waiting for the
next adventure life has in store for him.