The Truth! Your Thoughts Effect Your Business!

The TRUTH! Your Thoughts Effect Your Business!

Anyone who owns a business knows that there are many things that can have an influence on whether or not you are successful.

Offline or Online, many of these things are the same:

1. # of customers visiting your business.

2. Time of year. (Holidays can be good or bad depending on what business you are in.)

3. Amount of time and money you spend on advertising.

4. Where you advertise.

5. Customer Service.

These are just to name a few, and we know there are many, many more.

In reality, almost everything you do while running a business; is going to have some kind of effect on it.

But, did you know that your thoughts effect your business too?

Lets go back to the start-up of your business.

Your were really excited, weren't you?

Who wouldn't be. Starting a business is an exciting thing to do. Venturing out on your own to be your own boss!

That excitement motivated you, didn't it? I bet you jumped in with both feet and were a real go-getter!

You believed in yourself and your abilities, or you would not have made this earth shaking move to business
ownership, right?

Did you tell anyone who would listen about your new business?

I know I did!

And, what were their reactions?

Well, if you're anything like me, you've been online awhile; and this isn't the first time you've gotten
excited about a new business venture.

Am I right?

Your friends and family probably scoffed at the idea and said something like, "Yeah, you've said that before."

I know mine sure did!

How did that make you feel?
What did that do for your excitement and motivation?

Telling your friends and relatives about your new business, really did you no good at all.

You see, how you feel and what you're thinking; really does make a difference in whether you will be a success or not.

When you feel excited,you get motivated. You get things done and continue moving toward success.

You need to keep that frame of mind in order to succeed.

If you doubt yourself, why should anyone else believe in you?

Everday- You need to tell yourself:

My business is a SUCCESS!
Noone can bring ME down!

Let me ask you this, " How many of the friends and family that tried to discourage you, owned THEIR own business?"


If you are going to listen to someone, listen to someone who has done what you're setting out to do.

They can tell you how to succeed, because they've done it.

So, from now on; don't talk to people you know, about your business.

You really don't have to.

Think of how good you will feel when those nay-sayers notice how well your life is going, and ask YOU how YOU
did it.

Keep positive, business building thoughts in your mind.

DON'T let the doubts sneak in.

Those negative thoughts will only serve to trash what you've set out to accomplish.

Remember: "You are a success!" and you will be!

See You At The Top,
Vicki Ballard

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About the Author

Vicki Ballard has been online for 5 years and owns her own website: and also publishes her own ezine.