The Ultimate Business Success Tool - Service

What is the focus of your business? Actually deep down, what does
your business really accomplish?

If you look closely at any successful business, you'll find that it's main
objective is service to others. In some way, whether by product,
service, or opportunity, any business that continually attracts
customers does so by helping the customer fill a need.

So much of the Internet and network marketing seems to focus on
profits, cash, wealth, and the BIG score! Sure, that's everyone's
dream, but it will NEVER meet reality if what you sell is not in
someway helping others to reach their dreams as well.

Think about what you are looking for when you visit someone's web
site. The underlying question in your mind is always, "How can this
help me?" If there isn't anything of interest for you there, you leave,

It's the same with others. You have to orient your business to helping
your customers. Show what you have to offer in a manner that
suggests what THEY will gain from it. Everyone is willing to pay and
allow you to make a reasonable profit from your work, just so long
as they are gaining by it as well.

Serving others is a great business anyway. In serving others, you
inevitably help yourself better than if you were to go about business
with only selfish interests. In thinking of your customers first, you
develop better products and more reliable service. This, by means of
creating a good reputation for yourself, enhances your business by
building customer loyalty, and gaining new customers through
personal recommendation from your existing customers.

People will want to do business through you or with you because you
are what they need. Remember that.

All businesses are in some capacity serving people. Increasing or
improving how well you serve those people is the best way to create
more business for yourself and achieve both financial AND personal

It may sound strange, but by putting others first, you are the one that
will come out a winner.

About the Author

Joe Bingham, Editor of the NetPlay Newsletters
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