Time To Take A Break

Every once in awhile, I sit down at the computer to write an
article or copy for an ad, and nothing happens. A dozen or so,
false starts later, a topic is finally decided on, and the words
just won't come. Only a paragraph or two gets written, and it's
time to call it a day. Later, looking at what was done, I
usually highlight it, and hit the "delete" key.

Other times, the words flow as if from a "magic spring" and
before I know it, the article or ad is complete, but far too
long. I try to keep articles around 700 words, as ones much
longer seem to drag, and quickly loose the readers interest.
Effective ads should be four to six lines with 65 characters per

Then comes the painful task of trying to shorten it. But, you
may think, everything is important, and you can't cut a word.
But, you must, and will usually wind up with something that at
least makes sense.

Many people, who write copy advertising their product, have the
same problem. They feel they have to give every last detail about
their offer in their ad. Nothing could be further from the

You should try to give as much information as possible in the
shortest amount of space. I know this is difficult, but the fact
is that most people simply won't spend the time reading a long
ad. Don't worry about the length at first. You should get all
the important points down first, and then try to shorten it.

Do this for five or six ads. Then have someone, preferably
someone who is not familiar with your product or service, read
them. If you have six ads, have them rate them on a scale of one
to six, with one being the best in their judgement. Try to get
others to do the same type of rating. Be sure not to share the
ratings by the other people who did this, until after the current
readers rating is complete.

There may be a wide difference in the ratings, but some pattern
should show up. Take the highest scoring ad, and run with it.
If it draws business, leave it alone. Don't feel you have to
tweak the ad every time is published.

Better yet, move along to the second highest rated ad, and start
publicizing that one. Smart entrepreneurs may run several ads in
the same publication for the same product or service. Since they
constructed their ads properly, people may not even realize they
are from the same person.

It is highly important to track which ads are generating
business. One of the easiest ways is to automatically insert a
subject in the email they will send you. The following address
will automatically insert the subject "5Star-Reviews
as the subject when someone clicks on this address -

A simple way to start collecting this information is to set up
separate folders in your email package. You can then, through the
use of filters, automatically put each response in a folder
depending on its "subject". If you don't have software that can
do this, you really should get it. You can download a free copy
at: http://adv-marketing.com/business/frtest.htm - Click on

Eudora is probably one of the best email clients you can get.
While it does take a little time to discover all its features, it
is a very desirable package for someone in business.

Once you determine which ads are pulling, stay with them. A
common mistake some people make is to constantly change their
ads, because they feel they are getting stale. Don't forget, it
takes 5 to 7 exposures to an ad before someone may respond. If
you are constantly changing your ads, you are basically starting
over each time.

If you are finding it to be a "struggle" to work your business,
the worst thing you can do is to give a "half-hearted" effort.
You won't really be giving it, or your clients the attention they
need. Many times, the best thing to do is to take a break. Take
a few days or a week off. It will pay dividends as when you
resume, you will have a renewed enthusiasm.

About the Author

Did you know that subscribers to Bob Osgoodby's Free Ezine the
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