Trust the Power of Your Intuition

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Word Count: 499 words

Claudette Rowley

Trust the Power of Your Intuition
Claudette Rowley
Copyright 2004

Trust the Power of Your Intuition

"Every time you don't follow your inner guidance, you feel a
loss of energy, loss of power, a sense of spiritual deadness."

- Shakti Gawain

You have an important decision to make...your intuition is
telling you one thing and your mind is advising another
direction. You may have read about intuition or, heard people
talk about the importance of following it, but still you hedge at
taking the leap. What's missing can be summed up in one word:

What stops you from trusting your intuition?

- The Logical Mind - It's not uncommon for logic to say "If it

can't be proven, seen, felt or heard, it's hogwash. Give me

facts, give me proof."

- Social conditioning - Most of us aren't raised in environments

where our caretakers say, "Use that intuition! Really listen to


- Doubt - Until we become attuned to the voice of our own

intuition, we may harbor doubt. People often say to me, "I'm

not sure if it's my intuition or something else."

- Inner critic/self-sabotage - Whenever you hear your inner

wisdom, the inner critic is bound to pop up and offer its

sabotaging opinion.

- You don't like what your intuition tells you - Sometimes our

intuition rings clear as a bell, and we don't like what it

says. For example: "You need to leave this job NOW." Unless

you have another job lined up or money in the bank, most of us

would feel fear upon hearing that statement.

You might be thinking "I know I need to trust my intuition. But
how do I do that?" Try out the steps below, in the order that
intuitively feels right to you.

T - Talk to your intuition. Ask your intuition a question. Get

in touch with it.
R - Rest your mind. Your mind can get in the way of hearing an

intuitive insight. Give your self the space to clear your

mind and listen to your inner messages. Spend time in

nature, meditate, do yoga or something with a rhythm to it,

like taking a shower, going for a walk, or listening to

peaceful music.
U - Un-know. Let go of the need to know. You may understand

your intuitive message, or it may ask you to leap into the

unknown. It's not important to understand the "why" or the

result you'll gain by taking action on your intuition.
S - Suspend judgment. Intuition isn't good or bad. It's purely a

message from your own inner wisdom.
T - Take action. Until you take action on the messages you

receive, your intuition can't work its magic in your life.

Using your intuition will lead you in new directions and open a
door that you might not have otherwise opened. Trusting your
intuition is the key that unlocks the door, and acting on it
allows you to walk through the doorway to a new opportunity.
Trust your intuition and watch its power unfold.

About the Author

Claudette Rowley, coach and author, helps professionals identify and pursue their true purpose and calling in life.
Contact her today for a complimentary consultation at 781-676-5633 or Sign up for her free newsletter "Insights for the Savvy" at