Rather than searching for the newest, easiest and "best" way to get thousands of visitors to your website, why don't you try something that has proven successful and doesn't cost you anything but your own time and effort?
If you want to be successful online, there's only one magic thing you need. And that is great content!
The biggest online commodity is information. Regardless of anything you may have been told or want to believe, I assure you that people are not getting online to buy from you or click on your Google Adwords. They are searching for information, period!
Keeping these golden rules in mind, submitting informative articles to gain more website traffic while expanding your client or customer base only makes sense! You'd be crazy not to do it.
And I know some of you are saying, "But I can't write" If you can speak, you can write. That's really one of the biggest tricks there is to writing. Write like you're speaking to someone.
However, here are some additional resources to help you with your writing:
Personally, I recommend all three of the above resources. I've read them all front to back many times over and keep them handy as reference tools all the time! If you implement the advice and instructions they offer, you will make your money back many times over!
Now that you have the "How To" resources, I'll give you the "Where" resources. Keep in mind, this is a very short list. Use the search engines to help you find even more places to submit your articles. There are virtually thousands of websites, e-zines and newsletters waiting for your article!
Always remember to read the submission guidelines for all sites. I can't stress enough just how important that is!
And by all means, don't forget to add your byline to all of your articles! For an example, look at my byline below this entry.
You will increase your traffic dramatically if you write some well-written, informative articles! Give it a try - what have you got to lose?
About the Author
The author, Dawn Roberts, is the creator of www.Ideas-For-Home-Businesses.com - your complete home business resource. IFHB will help you from the planning stage, straight through to marketing your ideas for home businesses! Learn how you can start, maintain and propel a phenomenally successful home based business!