Useful Tips on Saving

Here are some useful tips on saving. Start by saving small amounts here and there. Over time, you will notice how even a small amount saved can add up to big money. If you are willing to watch what you spend and look for little ways to save on a regular basis, you can make money grow.

If you buy on impulse, make a rule that you'll always wait 24 hours to buy anything. You may lose your desire to buy it after a day.

Try emptying your pockets and wallet of spare change at the end of each day. You'll be surprised how quickly those pennies add up!

Speaking of things adding up, there is no investment strategy anywhere that pays off as well as, or with less risk than, merely paying off all high interest debt you may have.

Many people have wallets filled with credit cards, some of which they've “maxed out” (meaning they've spent up to their credit limit). Credit cards can make it seem easy to buy expensive things when you don't have the cash in your pocket—or in the bank. But credit cards aren't free money.

Most credit cards charge high interest rates if you don't pay off your balance in full each month. If you owe money on your credit cards, the wisest thing you can do is pay off the balance in full as quickly as possible. Once you've paid off your credit cards, you can budget your money and begin to save and invest.

Here are some tips for avoiding credit card debt:

Put away the plastic:

Don't use a credit card unless your debt is at a manageable level and you know you'll have the money to pay the bill when it arrives.

Know what you owe:

It's easy to forget how much you've charged on your credit card. Every time you use a credit card, write down how much you have spent and figure out how much you'll have to pay that month.

Pay off the card with the highest rate:

If you've got unpaid balances on several credit cards, you should first pay off the card that charges the highest rate. Pay as much as you can toward that debt each month until your balance is once again zero, while still paying the minimum on your other cards.

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About the Author

John Mussi is the founder of Direct Online Loans who help UK homeowners find the best available loans via the website.