What Is Your Life Purpose

Why are you here? What is it that you want to do before you die? When do you feel like your life is completely effortless: it just 'clicks' and you know you're in the right place?

A Life Purpose Statement isn't necessary for day-to-day existence, so most people don't bother. You can cheerfully go about your business without having the faintest idea of why you're here. In fact, most people do. They go to their jobs, attend to their families, watch a little TV, hang out with their friends, an life's pretty good. If that works
for you, read no further!

But if you want the inner calm that comes with a purpose-driven life: if you want to get up each morning knowing why you're here, and you want to make headway each day toward that purpose, then read on. There are several simple steps, all listed below.

Step 1 - How are you motivated? Think of the things that motivate you, the activities you like to do most. Then, think about what actions are required to do those activities. Think in terms of action verbs like create, nurture, restore, read, identify, categorize, analyze, build, communicate, connect, etc. Narrow it down to the top 3 choices.

Step 2 - Why do this? Whom do you want to impact? Next, think about the people or group you would most like to see benefit from your efforts from Step 1. The poor? The rich? The homeless? Small business owners? Think of as many as come to mind (10-12, if possible), and then choose the single most important one to you, the one about which you feel the strongest. This is your target.

Step 3 - What are the results? What is the outcome you wish to achieve? List why you do what you do. In Step 1, you outlined the motivations and actions required. In Step 2, you determined who would benefit. Now, what is the outcome you desire when you take those actions? A drug-free community? World Peace? Financial independence? Students? Small children? Higher learning? Think of things that you believe in strongly. Come up with as many as you can think of (again, 10-12) and then choose the single most important outcome.

Step 4 - Who will you be as you do this? Finally, think of your character traits as you achieve this life purpose. It is possible to achieve extraordinary results through devious or negative behavior. However, living a fulfilled life implies strength of character as well as positive outcomes. Think of the traits that will describe you as you achieve your life purpose.

The answer to the question, What is your life purpose, now becomes a fill-in-the-blank:

My life purpose is to (answer from Step 1) with o/for (answer from Step 2) so that (answer from Step 3).

Now put it aside and let it 'steep' for a few days. Come back and revisit it. Play with the statement. Tweak it. Then put it aside again. A Life Purpose Statement is developed over time, like your favorite, well-worn jeans.

How does coaching come in to this? Don't worry if, even after doing the above exercise, you still can't determine your life's purpose. Coaching can help you articulate the answer. How?

·We begin by looking at where you currently are in your life. Then we clarify very specifically where you want to be. I assist you in remembering your dreams and the vision of your life (remember the motivations from Step 1?).
·We create a plan of action and tools that are tailor-made for you and your specific life path. You may have already known your life's purpose or we may have worked it out, but now you need help setting it in motion.
·We clearly identify any obstacles, fears, and roadblocks that may be keeping you stuck. You'll learn some powerful strategies to help you move beyond your obstacles.
·As your coach, I keep you inspired, accountable, and focused on your goals so that we never lose sight of your life's purpose.
·We don't just talk about your life as a concept; we create specific plans to get you into action and make it happen.

It's that simple!

To find out more about determining your life's purpose or to get on track to achieving it, contact JP at JP@PerformanceSolutions.us or 952-937-0977.

About the Author

Jacqueline ("JP") Meyers, a principal at PSG, coaches clients to find their best potential: as entrepreneurs, business leaders, individuals and in life. After earning her MBA JP has spent the past sixteen years working as both an internal and external consultant and coach, implementing HR systems and facilitating change locally and internationally. Her background involves consulting in the health care, retail and manufacturing industries.