When To Make Your Career Move To Self Employment

When To Make Your Career Move To Self Employment

 by: BB Lee

Knowing when to make the right career move and start a home based business is just as important as the business you choose to start.

The First Step!

You should honestly examine the real reason motivating you to start your own business.

Here are a few questions you should consider:

  • Are you simply bored with your job?

  • Is your career going nowhere?

  • You feel restricted and unable to express yourself?

  • You feel your contribution to the work place is unappreciated?

  • Your job is very stressful, you want a less stressful career?

  • Do you hate your boss?

  • Do you hate your co-workers?

  • Do you want to make more money?

  • Do you want express unique talents?

  • Have you special training you wish to utilize?

  • Do you hate the long commute?

  • You want to spend more time with family?

Step 2

Next, take a full assessment of your skills, training, education, experience in the work at home career you are considering.

  • Are you experienced in this field, some experience, none?

  • Do you have training in this field, some training, no training!

  • Received education, some education, none?

  • Are you highly skilled in this area, few skills, none?

Step 3

Answer the following questions:

  • Can you tolerate working long hours alone?

  • Do you have the education and training required?

  • Your family supports you?

  • Are you willing to give up a pension plan or company benefits?

  • Would you be happier working for yourself?

  • Would you find fulfillment in the home business, you lack now?

  • Do you accept making less money for an undetermined period?

  • Are you highly motivated to succeed?

If you answered yes to the majority of the questions, you have a better than average chance at successfully starting and managing a home based business.

Be sure to seek out professional advice before you take the next step and quit your nine to five. And consider the feelings of your family. They know you better than most, and if you are good work at home material.