Who controls the profits

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Who controls the profits

© Copyright 2003, by Valerian Dinca

I`ve had people come to me and say : "The secret to making money
online is simple. You must have your own products or service. For
the products and services that you distribute, there must be an
opportunity to develop high demand with very limited competition".

Yes, they are right, just speaking about making money online is
very simple. The biggest problem comes when doing. I think all the
time where to find such kind of miracle product because I also
know I'm not a new Bill Gates to create one.On the other hand
I can see people making money selling non outstanding products
or with affiliates.

What that means ?
In the equation of making money product/service isn't the key !
The truth is that products will never make you a dime, products
don't buy from you. People buy products. People spend money.

Do not take me wrong, the quality of products are important,
of course, but you make money because it's the people who buy.
You are not in the product business. You're in the traffic business.
Traffic makes money. Products don't.

Then if you want to make money, let's speak about traffic first.
Start with this question : "How do I get more traffic to my site?"

You might think that an answer for this question might be
extremely complicate, but it really isn't. It isn't that it is so hard
to get traffic to business sites. The problem is that there are so
many different avenues of traffic generation and you must
choose the most appropriate one.

I am going to share with you 10 different ways you can drive
traffic to any web site. This isn't even an extensive list or a top
priority selection, but let's say it is enough for this time.

1. Ezines advertising
2. Search Engine Submissions
3. Mailing groups
4. Banner Exchanges
5. Trade links
6. Hits ( Buy or/and Exchange)
7. Classifieds sites
8. FFA pages
9. Advertising Tools ( submitters, blasters, etc )
10. Safe lists.

The key to any traffic driving is testing and then improving.
If a method doesn't work for you on your first try, it doesn't
matter, improve and try again.

But there is a hint here.
More than 99% of the 'onliners' will do the same thing you do.
The competition is hard, therefore you must select your methods
according to your skills, otherwise is just a time wasting.

If you choose Search engines submission you will need to study
everything you can on search engine positioning and meta tags.
To achieve the top rankings in the search engines will take some
serious work

If you choose ezine advertising or classifieds you need to know
how to create killer headlines for your ads.

It is a hard work but plenty of satisfaction.
He who controls traffic, controls the world and the profits.

Valerian Dinca is the editor of Morning Coffree Newsletter
This is not like other ezines, You get what you need to succeed
Tools, Resources, Tips, Tricks and Secrets of Making Money

About the Author

Valerian Dinca is the editor of Morning Coffree Newsletter
This is not like other ezines, You get what you need to succeed
Tools, Resources, Tips, Tricks and Secrets of Making Money