Why it is important to provide after sale service

Copyright © Cecilia Chang

Below is a situation I've met recently.

Early last month, me and my fiance went to a furniture shop to look around for our new house.

Upon reaching the shop at chongpang, a popular place in Singapore, a lady approached us politely and passed us some files with pictures of the furniture. We browse through the files and she even offer to help us look for the color and design of our requirements.

In between, we make some changes on the color we want but she still give us that smiling face and continue helping us. Well, this is good customer service. Don't you agree?

Of course, we'll make some bargains seeing our idea furniture. After some discussion, she agree to give us some discounts as we are going to buy two products from them.

After paying a deposit, we decided to browse for our next purchases for our master bedroom since we received very good customer service. She shows us around to cupboard and dressing table. There's also discount on the items we prepare to buy. She even wrote down the details of the items on offer, in case when the time we come to buy, it's not on offer anymore.

So happily, we left the shop and decided to buy all our other furniture from this shop. Until here, we received before sale service.

Let's see how our after sale service is like...

On the delivery day, they sent the first item to our place, we paid the balance amount as we are satisfy with it. Later that day, they sent the second item, but we found faults on it and want to change.

We called the company next day and they agreed to change another one for us by that week. But after a week has passed, still no news from the company. No choice, we gone down to the shop again to inform them of the faults, they agreed to send someone down to see.

A couple of days later, no one came. We called again and finally someone is here to check. That guy said that the piece we received is a display set and it's the last one in the factory so he agreed to change for us. But we've totally change our view on this shop's service.

From the above case study, we can see the big difference between before and after sales service. When a customer steps into your shop, you need to provide both before and after sale service to assure your customers will come back again. Do you just want to keep a customer just once or forever?

Do you know that a customer can become ten, hundred or even more customers in future through word of mouth?

In order for growth in your business, grab hold of every opportunity when a customer steps into your shop now. Remember to provide them after sale service too.

About the Author

Cecilia Chang is an internet marketer and articles publisher at http://www.articles.sgonliners.com. Her personal business blog is located at http://www.blog.sgonliners.com. She builds a human edited web directory at http://www.sgonliners.com. If you want to suggest and promote your site, please don’t hesitate to submit it.