Why Successful Entrepreneurs Repeatedly 'Hit Their Mark'

Why is it that successful entrepreneurs seem to have a history of envious accomplishments while others tend to struggle? What is the driving force behind these people who seem to leave their path littered with various successes? Where others fail, they know how to build a business into a profitable enterprise even without a better education or more experience that others! It seems their ability for making business decisions that are the envy of their peers comes almost naturally and without effort. Is this really the case or perhaps would a peek inside their minds at how they think, possibly reveal a different tale?

Here are 3 characteristics that can be considered the driving force behind what makes some entrepreneurs more successful than others!


More than anything else having an insatiable curiosity can be considered the driving force behind business success. This curiosity supplies people with both the passion and motivation to continue moving forward and to make improvements. Having a genuine interest in what you do always makes work seem like play allowing you to maintain your efforts while others tend to quit!


When things change so should people to adapt to the new environment but it is common for most to be flustered, frustrated and even walk away when confronted with change. The most successful amongst us tend to be very adaptable to change helping them to sustain their efforts which of course is the only way you will get results and how to build a business! Their focus tends to stay 'riveted' on their ultimate goal and is usually fortified by a positive attitude. Having a 'can do' attitude like this helps you to not look at change as an obstacle but more like an opportunity.

Insensitivity to Criticism

Criticism needs to be regarded as 'helpful hints' and not personal insults! Being overly sensitive to criticism automatically blocks out any outside help you may get from the opinions or experience of others! Having the willingness to be open to new ideas or to even accept that you may not have all the answers is how to build a business. Tapping into any and every available resource and pool of knowledge will allow you and your business to grow much more quickly

Most successful entrepreneurs maintain a consistent history of business accomplishments even though they do not hold any advantages such as education or experience. It seems they always know how to build a business successfully and to the 'naked eye' it appears they do it with ease! Even when making business decisions they seem to always be on target, while others that are less successful, are always encountering difficulties. What is the reason for this 'mystical aura' that surrounds these people making their every choice and movement the right one? Our look above at what you can consider the driving force behind the successes of these individuals boils down to 3 simple characteristics. A closer look also reveals that these characteristics can all be learned or adopted with a little conscious effort. The choice is now there, laid right out in front of you, to decide whether you want success bad enough! Do you?