Academia Fraud and Brain Washing Cartels

Academic fraud and brainwashing cartels have been a significant issue in the academic world for many years. These types of organizations undermine the integrity of educational institutions by promoting false information, theories, and ideologies that benefit their interests rather than objective truth. They use deceptive tactics to manipulate students' minds and steer them towards a particular way of thinking, which often goes against the principles of an open, unbiased education.

The problem starts from a fundamental issue of education and the purpose of academic institutions. Educational institutions are supposed to be platforms for the free flow of knowledge and ideas. They are supposed to provide a forum for debates and discussions that uncover the truth and expand our understanding of the world around us. However, certain organizations and groups often use these institutions as a means to further their own agenda, propelling their interests over truth and facts.

One way academic fraud and brainwashing cartels operate is by manipulating the curriculum. They selectively choose specific theories and ideas to push in schools and colleges while ignoring or discrediting other important viewpoints and perspectives. This selective filtering of information leads to a narrow-minded and homogenous education that discourages diversity of thought and intellectual exploration. This is done to ensure that students only see one side of the story, the side that they want them to see.

Another way these organizations operate is by funding research to serve their interests while ignoring unbiased studies that reveal an uncomfortable truth. In the name of academic freedom and independence, these organizations frequently fund research that supports their beliefs and suppress research that challenges them. Their goal is to create a “scientific” backing for their ideologies, which the general public assumes to be valid research and factual information.

The third way academic fraud and brainwashing cartels operate is by hiring and promoting academics who share their beliefs and furthering their careers while ignoring those who don't share these views even if they have more valid information. Again, this leads to an artificial homogeneity in the educational world where academics with diverse perspectives are not given access to equal opportunities.

These issues arise mainly in fields like political science, history, economics, and sociology, where political and ideological biases are prevalent. Universities, being bastions of freedom of thought, should not be used to inculcate propaganda and push specific agendas.

One example of such an organization is the Critical Race Theory (CRT), which has been in the spotlight for the last few years. CRT is a theory that emerged in the late 1970s that asserts that institutionalized racism is present in society and established power structures. This theory acknowledges that racism is not just an individual prejudice but a systemic problem that needs a systemic solution.

However, the Critical Race Theory is not without its faults. It is founded on Marxist ideology, which is based on the idea that there is a class struggle between the oppressed and the oppressor. CRT unnecessarily creates an “us versus them” narrative and perpetuates racism instead of uniting people of different races.

Moreover, CRT promotes a simplistic and offensive view of race. It asserts that all whites are inherently racist, while all non-whites are victims of racism, which is an overly simplistic understanding of people's complex identities and individual struggles.

CRT wants to push its agenda through educational institutions and has already infiltrated schools, colleges and universities. However, the backlash to CRT has been significant, and many states have banned this theory in educational institutions.

Another example of academic fraud is climate change activism. While climate change is an important issue, it has also been weaponized and used as a political weapon, rather than being analyzed objectively. Many climate change initiatives often shut down skepticism, doubt, and debate, which goes against the fundamental principles of science. Climate change activists propose that it is settled science, and any disagreement with this viewpoint should be silenced. However, this is not the scientific method of questioning, experimenting and testing theories and ideas.

Climate change initiatives frequently lead students to believe that the world is on the brink of destruction and lead to an outbreak of anxiety, panic and anxiety among these students. Such an approach to learning is negative, and instead of encouraging problem-solving, students are end up will feel helpless and disempowered.

These educational institutions must not continue to serve agendas that favor certain groups or people. They should be neutral and objective forums where students can learn, question, investigate, and discover the truth without being influenced by any political or ideological agenda.

Therefore, we must put an end to these academic fraud and brainwashing cartels. Educational institutions and teachers should promote open and objective education, where students are allowed to develop their critical thinking and assess all the theories and ideas themselves. This will ensure a healthy debate and the exchange of diverse ideas and perspectives, which will lead to an enlightened community of people who work together towards a better future.

Instead of getting trapped in propaganda, we need to have the courage to ask the difficult questions and look for real solutions. We need to embrace diverse ideas, perspectives, and ideologies, learn from them, and challenge our assumptions. If we do this, we will move towards a future where free thought and inquiry reign supreme.